Sunday report on Wed????
Fabric Added This Week - 3 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date - 5.25
Fabric Used This Week - 3.94 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 14.46 yards
Net year to date: - 9.21 yards used
(I think I need to look at my formulas on my spreadsheet for this. Seems to not be right. Might be adjusted next week)
I finished another UFO and gave it as a baby gift to one of the teachers.
I made a birthday block, now to get it mailed.
Other than that, I've been working on a couple of other quilts, so I've not been sitting around doing nothing, but not many accomplishments.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Just what I needed
Well this has been a week from hell. Sorry, but no other description.
Last Wed DD broke her finger and has a brace on. Today they took it off and put another one on. We go back in 3 weeks.
DH went TDY (on a business trip for those non-military folks) to Cincinnati, Oxford and Dayton OHIO. He got there around 2:30 yesterday afternoon. By 6 or 7 he had totaled his rental car because of ice. He didn't go to the ER and was not doing great. He is at the ER today. Hoping it is nothing too serious and he can come home soon.
DS is stressing over college. He is having issues with classes, and he wants to do so well that it is concerning him.
Today, I checked the mail and what did I have? Something that brightened my day.
My crazy friend, Marianne, the one that makes me laugh so often, the one who understands the men in our lives and helps me to figure it all out, sent me these.
I didn't know she was so evil. I'm trying to bust my stash. I'm trying to use up my 2.5" squares and what arrives??? More 2.5 inch squares. Hummmm, what is the pay back going to be????

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Bad end of week
Well, I was sewing away and then life hit me on Wed. DD broke her finger and we had issues with the way the school handled it. Had meetings at the school. DD couldn't do the things she enjoys (Karate and Horseback riding), so it was more Mom and DD time. :) We also had our Girl Scout Thinking Day activity and ended up there all morning and at a cookie booth in the evening. I slept in between because I'm still trying to recover from this cold.
Saturday was a record day at the mailbox.
I received a beautiful potholder for a Pay It Forward even. I tried it on my blog, but no one was playing. :(
I received my winnings from Stashbusters for the WIPs and WHIMMs that I worked on in 2007.
I won the pot twice, and they came. Now to figure out what to do with these strips.
I also did the Valentines wall hanging from Freda's Hive she sent me two patterns and a pin to work on.
Wow, that is a wonderful gift. Thank you!
I'm hoping I can play with these things some today.
Saturday was a record day at the mailbox.

I received my winnings from Stashbusters for the WIPs and WHIMMs that I worked on in 2007.

I also did the Valentines wall hanging from Freda's Hive she sent me two patterns and a pin to work on.

I'm hoping I can play with these things some today.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
another birthday block
Monday, February 18, 2008
Mysteries & others
Well, I finished one mystery today that Cindy did last year.

I finally finished the Greek flag for the Girl Scout Thinking Day. There was a problem with getting flags, so I thought I'd just make this one. Well, don't get sliky fabric to sew with when you are used to cotton. LOL But, it is done, except for the dowel. 
My embroidery machine is acting up again. The self threader won't thread. It is SO frustrating. So, the horse quilt is temp on hold. I might get the little machine out and see if I can download the files.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
QOV #59 Done
I worked on the clamshell quilting
for another QOV. I finally got it done.
My hands are not strong, so I could only do a few passes before I had to take a break.

I was working on the horse quilts.
What was one UFO has now turned into 2 quilts. DD has decided she needs one too. So, I need to get these both done soon. Shontelle's birthday is on 6 March, so it needs to be done by then. I hope both of them are finished at that time, but we shall see. Decided since most of the horses are brown, and pink is the girl's favorite color that pink and brown would work. I didn't have enough of the same brown to do it all the same, so it will be a scrappy quilt.

Sunday Update
Still keeping with the Sunday updates for Judy's site.
Fabric Added This Week - 0
Fabric Added Year to Date - 2.25
Fabric Used This Week - 2.39 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 10.52yards
Net year to date: - 8.27 yards used
It has been a better week, but not nearly what I want. I've made a placemat purse (no fabric used on that one), some coasters and a coffee cozy.
I've been working on my ocean waves blocks and have 10 done now. I know, not as many as Kim, but I'm working on it finally.
I did make a Valentine wall hanging/table runner and it came 100% from stash. So, that is a good thing.
I made another placemat purse for a swap. No fabric on that one either.
I put some prayer squares together. These will be tied by my Mom and then will be given to the church.
I made a couple of fabric postcards one get well card and a birthday card.
I made a birthday block and have another one started.
It's been a better week and am hoping next week will be even better.
Fabric Added This Week - 0
Fabric Added Year to Date - 2.25
Fabric Used This Week - 2.39 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 10.52yards
Net year to date: - 8.27 yards used
It has been a better week, but not nearly what I want. I've made a placemat purse (no fabric used on that one), some coasters and a coffee cozy.
I've been working on my ocean waves blocks and have 10 done now. I know, not as many as Kim, but I'm working on it finally.
I did make a Valentine wall hanging/table runner and it came 100% from stash. So, that is a good thing.
I made another placemat purse for a swap. No fabric on that one either.
I put some prayer squares together. These will be tied by my Mom and then will be given to the church.
I made a couple of fabric postcards one get well card and a birthday card.
I made a birthday block and have another one started.
It's been a better week and am hoping next week will be even better.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
productive day
I've been busy cleaning up the sewing area. At least under the long arm and dusting and oiling the beast. :)
I feel good, because things were getting out of hand over there, and I was feeling lost in how to handle it.
I had an extra day because of weather, our outdoor plans were cancelled. So, I took advantage and did some cleaning.
I also worked on Jo's birthday block. Not a big accomplishment, but it is more than I'd done before.
I've worked on 2 UFOs that are for my church for their prayer squares program.
I have a couple more to do too. I'm using the strings from the Heartstrings group. I've had these for a long time and need to get them done. I'm working on a quilt top of heartstrings too.
On Stashbusters, we have Felicity's Fab Four Friday. My list is:
1. Jo's Birthday block (done)
2. Julie's Birthday block
3. Birthday Fabric Postcard
4. Leap year Fabric Postcard.
5. Get Well Fabric Postcard (done)
Yes, I know I have 5, but they are basically the same things.

I had an extra day because of weather, our outdoor plans were cancelled. So, I took advantage and did some cleaning.
I also worked on Jo's birthday block. Not a big accomplishment, but it is more than I'd done before.

I've worked on 2 UFOs that are for my church for their prayer squares program.

On Stashbusters, we have Felicity's Fab Four Friday. My list is:
1. Jo's Birthday block (done)
2. Julie's Birthday block
3. Birthday Fabric Postcard
4. Leap year Fabric Postcard.
5. Get Well Fabric Postcard (done)

Yes, I know I have 5, but they are basically the same things.
Friday, February 15, 2008
I've been in Valentines swaps for 2 years now. I will have to figure out another way to display them. I'm out of room. I love all that I've received in the past 2 years.
Placemat purse
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Happy Valentines Day
Well, I finished the Valentine Day Tablerunner/Wall hanging. The pattern came from this site. I think it is going to be mine and I'll hang it next year.
At least I'm sewing again.

At least I'm sewing again.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Silly Me
I saw a fun Valentine runner that I decided to make today. Why? I'm not sure, but I thought I'd get it done and give it to the teacher for Valentines Day. I got the top done, but not quilted. So, maybe I can still do it, but not to be delivered in the morning.

It is good to be sewing again. Ruth Ann, you might recognize some of the hst. Renee, some of the pink ones are yours too.
I'd also like to say that if you don't have something nice to say in the comments, then I will delete them. Please just don't post if it isn't something everyone would appreciate. I've been getting some pretty rude comments from non-quilters lately.

It is good to be sewing again. Ruth Ann, you might recognize some of the hst. Renee, some of the pink ones are yours too.
I'd also like to say that if you don't have something nice to say in the comments, then I will delete them. Please just don't post if it isn't something everyone would appreciate. I've been getting some pretty rude comments from non-quilters lately.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Want to win some books?
a friend is having a book giveaway, so I'm following the directions and posting about it. Check out Studio 259 and see what she has. She makes some awesome bags.
Monday, February 11, 2008
ocean waves
I finished one more block tonight on my ocean waves - that makes 9 done. Lots more to go, but making progress.

I also pieced the backing for the baby quilt.
I'm trying to make the Laurel Birch quilt come together, but think I'm going to have to make more blocks in order for it to work.
I've picked up some more in this messy room. I really need to do a major re-organization, but when I do that I won't be able to sew and I REALLY need to sew right now.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Back in the sewing room
Well, I did get to the sewing area again today.
I can't say I accomplished all that much, but I did get a gift done that was almost late. I made my first placemat puse, some coasters and a coffee cozy.
I don't even think I used a 1/8 yard of fabric, but I was sewing and that counts. Hope she likes them.
I found another UFO that I'd forgot about and am going to use it for a baby quilt. I hope one of the 3 teachers is going to have a girl, because it is soft and girly. I have the backing fabric cut and ready to sew. So, the next step will be to load it and get it quilted.
I pulled out the Laurel Birch UFO that was a $5 block quilt that was from the place (Creative Sewing) that I really dislike going to. But, I have 4 12.5" blocks and 4 6.5" blocks that are done. I found some waste hst that can be used with it, and will make more of the 6.5" blocks. I think I can figure out how to get this done and ready to be quilted. If I'm careful, I think it could be either a boy or a girl quilt. I might have to rethink one of the other blocks that I thought about using (might be too pink)
So, I've been playing a bit, and it feels good.
I also did a little picking up -- not cleaning yet, but I organized some of the stuff. So much to still do.
I can't say I accomplished all that much, but I did get a gift done that was almost late. I made my first placemat puse, some coasters and a coffee cozy.
I found another UFO that I'd forgot about and am going to use it for a baby quilt. I hope one of the 3 teachers is going to have a girl, because it is soft and girly. I have the backing fabric cut and ready to sew. So, the next step will be to load it and get it quilted.
I pulled out the Laurel Birch UFO that was a $5 block quilt that was from the place (Creative Sewing) that I really dislike going to. But, I have 4 12.5" blocks and 4 6.5" blocks that are done. I found some waste hst that can be used with it, and will make more of the 6.5" blocks. I think I can figure out how to get this done and ready to be quilted. If I'm careful, I think it could be either a boy or a girl quilt. I might have to rethink one of the other blocks that I thought about using (might be too pink)
So, I've been playing a bit, and it feels good.
I also did a little picking up -- not cleaning yet, but I organized some of the stuff. So much to still do.
Weekly update
Going along with Judy L. here is my weekly status report.
Fabric Added This Week - 2
Fabric Added Year to Date - 2.25
Fabric Used This Week - 0 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 8.06 yards
Net year to date: - 5.81 yards used
As you can see, I didn't get to quilt this week. What a poor year I've had for getting things done.
I did quilt yesterday, but didn't have any finishes.
I did get a gift of some beautiful hand dyed fabric from Kim. Wow, is it rich and beautiful.
Fabric Added This Week - 2
Fabric Added Year to Date - 2.25
Fabric Used This Week - 0 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 8.06 yards
Net year to date: - 5.81 yards used
As you can see, I didn't get to quilt this week. What a poor year I've had for getting things done.
I did quilt yesterday, but didn't have any finishes.
I did get a gift of some beautiful hand dyed fabric from Kim. Wow, is it rich and beautiful.
Me- Me game
So Yvonne thinks I should play.
The rules of the me-me are:
1. When tagged, place the name of the person and URL on your blog
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 7 things about yourself
4. Name 7 of your favorite weblogs
5. Send an e-mail letting those bloggers know they have been tagged
7 things about me.
1. I've been retired for 3 years now and seem to be busier and busier as the days go by. I don't know when I had time to work.
2. I am blessed with 2 children, they are only 17 years apart (almost to the day). LOL I know, I'm crazy, but I can't imagine life without either of them.
3. I've was born in San Marcos, TX and left early in life with only to return to go to college there. I'm now living within 30 miles of where I was born. Not too bad for a military brat.
4. I went into the Air Force after college and stayed with them until I retired 27 years later.
5. My favorite pastime is to quilt for others. I don't mean doing it for money, but making quilts for our soldiers and quilting them for others wanting to help our soldiers. I use my retirement gift -- the Gammil for my quilting adventures.
6. My best friends live in other parts of the country -- VA and NJ. I'm finally finding a friend my own age with a child close to my DD's age that I'm friends with here.
7. My parents and son live within 5 miles of us and it is a joy to have family around all the time. That is really unusual for me because of being military and being gone for so long. Since I'm an only child, it is a small family.
Favorite weblogs and people I am tagging:
The rules of the me-me are:
1. When tagged, place the name of the person and URL on your blog
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 7 things about yourself
4. Name 7 of your favorite weblogs
5. Send an e-mail letting those bloggers know they have been tagged
7 things about me.
1. I've been retired for 3 years now and seem to be busier and busier as the days go by. I don't know when I had time to work.
2. I am blessed with 2 children, they are only 17 years apart (almost to the day). LOL I know, I'm crazy, but I can't imagine life without either of them.
3. I've was born in San Marcos, TX and left early in life with only to return to go to college there. I'm now living within 30 miles of where I was born. Not too bad for a military brat.
4. I went into the Air Force after college and stayed with them until I retired 27 years later.
5. My favorite pastime is to quilt for others. I don't mean doing it for money, but making quilts for our soldiers and quilting them for others wanting to help our soldiers. I use my retirement gift -- the Gammil for my quilting adventures.
6. My best friends live in other parts of the country -- VA and NJ. I'm finally finding a friend my own age with a child close to my DD's age that I'm friends with here.
7. My parents and son live within 5 miles of us and it is a joy to have family around all the time. That is really unusual for me because of being military and being gone for so long. Since I'm an only child, it is a small family.
Favorite weblogs and people I am tagging:
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Small Quilting Group
I didn't think I would get there today, because of a Girl Scout Cookie Booth. But, a few parents stepped in and I was about to run the cookies out and pick them up AND do some quilting.
I birthed the Greek Flag,
but still need to fix a couple of things because of the type of material involved.
I worked on heartstrings quilt and am having some troubles. Not exactly sure what is wrong, but it isn't lining up. :(
I made 2 blocks of ocean waves.
That means I have 8 done. Lots more to go.
None of us really finished anything, but we have a fun day.
Wanda working on her stuff.
Lana working on her stuff.
Glenna's first time with us. She's the quiet one.
Look what I got in the mail today. This was partially from my SS on MQP. I had to order more when she passed on a gift certificate to me. Woo hoo. Now I need some fun quilts to tackle.
I birthed the Greek Flag,

I worked on heartstrings quilt and am having some troubles. Not exactly sure what is wrong, but it isn't lining up. :(
I made 2 blocks of ocean waves.

None of us really finished anything, but we have a fun day.

Monday, February 4, 2008
I finished Valentines
Today was running around day and I didn't get it all done.
So, I'm not sure if I'll get something done yet or not, but I hope to work on things for scouts tomorrow.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Sunday Status Report
Going along with Judy L. here is my weekly status report.
Fabric Added This Week - 0
Fabric Added Year to Date - .25
Fabric Used This Week - 3.08 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 8.06 yards
Net year to date: - 7.81 yards used
I made a purse for a birthday gift this week.
DD and I made 3 pet beds and I sent a FQ off for a FQ shower for an internet friend in need.
So, not much else done this week, but maybe next week will be better. I need to get out of this funk!
Fabric Added This Week - 0
Fabric Added Year to Date - .25
Fabric Used This Week - 3.08 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 8.06 yards
Net year to date: - 7.81 yards used
I made a purse for a birthday gift this week.
DD and I made 3 pet beds and I sent a FQ off for a FQ shower for an internet friend in need.
So, not much else done this week, but maybe next week will be better. I need to get out of this funk!
Friday, February 1, 2008
January Summary
Stashbusters was asking us to do a summary of January.
Well, I didn't buy any fabrics, but I did receive a fq for a gift.
I only used about 6 yards of fabric this month. A very slow month for me.
What did I do in January?
I made one baby quilt from a UFO for a teacher, I finished the top for Carolina Crossroads, I worked on Winter postcards and Valentine postcards (I know need to make 2 more), I gave some away as a gift to quilting friends, DD and I made some pet beds (I use my ends and tiny pieces to fill the beds), I made a birthday gift purse, I quilted a QWL, and a couple of blocks for love quilts and birthday blocks.
February is going to be a busy month for the Brownie Cookie Sales. So, I'm not sure it is going to be very productive either. Wish me luck.
Well, I didn't buy any fabrics, but I did receive a fq for a gift.
I only used about 6 yards of fabric this month. A very slow month for me.
What did I do in January?
I made one baby quilt from a UFO for a teacher, I finished the top for Carolina Crossroads, I worked on Winter postcards and Valentine postcards (I know need to make 2 more), I gave some away as a gift to quilting friends, DD and I made some pet beds (I use my ends and tiny pieces to fill the beds), I made a birthday gift purse, I quilted a QWL, and a couple of blocks for love quilts and birthday blocks.
February is going to be a busy month for the Brownie Cookie Sales. So, I'm not sure it is going to be very productive either. Wish me luck.
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