Well, the black and white and red all over quilt has the binding sewn on by machine. Now to get it done for the hand stitching. That quilt will have used 13 yards of fabric and is another UFO, so I'm excited about getting this done.
Since DH is watching Wicked Tuna more and would like me with him for company, this will be something I can do while sitting in my chair. ":)
I have been crocheting scarves, now I need to figure out who is getting which ones. I have way too many of them. LOL They are easy. I just added a yellow row to the edge of a blue scarf and like the results, but it took lots of time and my hands don't like me right now. :( Crocheting is difficult on my hands at times.
We had rain today! That is a good thing, so I'm happy for that.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Happy Easter
He is Risen!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter with your family and friends.
Our family has a tradition of going to the base brunch for Easter. This year we are trying the Lackland AFB clubs. They are on the other side of town, but the one at Randolph last year left lots to be desired.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter with your family and friends.
Our family has a tradition of going to the base brunch for Easter. This year we are trying the Lackland AFB clubs. They are on the other side of town, but the one at Randolph last year left lots to be desired.
Fabric Use Update
Judy has us do a stash report weekly. So, here is mine for the week.
This has not been a great month. I do have one that could get bound this week and it will either make March lots larger or April will be off to a good start!
Used this Week: 3.23 yards
Used year to Date: 49.17 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 24 yards
Net Used for 2013: 25.17 yards
Friday, March 29, 2013
Those twist scarves are interesting. I figured out that the yarn is what makes them twist and they are EASY! I found the yarn on Wednesday and this is what I've done so far.
There are lots of colors to play with. I started making them the way the video said, and they were not really full. I actually like them less full. Then at my applique class, one of the ladies said she did them a different way, so I tried that and they use more yarn and are fuller. Others like that.
The skein says use one skein and it is really LONG (see the yellow and green one above. That is too long for me, and I don't like to wrap so much around my neck. So, next time, I use half the skein and get 2 scarves out of it.
Then another friend said she saw a blue and yellow one that the lady did 2 different colors. I tried to do them both together and I didn't like the look, so I ripped it out. Then, while making another one, I thought about alternating the colors (see the red and purple one). It worked, but got confusing at times.
So, now I have another crocheted fun item that makes up easy. Might be a gift at end of school for the female teachers. Now what to do for the men.
Now to get back to quilting. LOL
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Band information
Well, it has been a school week. DD is in band and that is an exciting and tiring activity.
The Honor Band competed yesterday and DD has a trumpet solo. She was so scared. She told me she had a stone in her stomach. LOL But she did AWESOME!
The band did great and they won the top award. I'm so proud of her and all of them!
She is the middle with the two silly boys kissing the trophy. LOL I think they are really excited!! They should be. The judges were judging VERY hard and these kids are excellent musician. CONGRATULATIONS!!
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
microwave bowls
I found these on this site and thought they looked like good things for microwaving and eating hot bowls or cold ones for that matter. Aren't they pretty?
Monday, March 25, 2013
Some progress
I'm thinking my problem is my bobbin winder. Hummm, I wonder how to fix that? I'm going with DH to the maintenance class and will take it with us. Then, I'll find out if that is truly the problem or something else.
I quilted the black and white and red all over and one of the table runners. I still need to piece the batting for the larger of the table runners.
Driving to DD's Math tutor I saw these Texas bluebonnets in a front yard. Spring must be here to have the bluebonnets out so nicely already.
Sunday, March 24, 2013
bowl potholders
Lori has a link on her blog for these fun bowl potholders. I think these would be wonderful to use. I'm going to make us some and maybe for gifts to teachers. These would use some scraps. I wonder how they would look scrappy? Might have to try a red and black one to go in my kitchen in the scrappy format.
not much progress
Well, the quilt is loaded, and then I ran out of energy.
Went to make dinner and dropped a bowl that shattered. I hate that, because I'm never sure I get all the pieces. No going barefoot for a few days.
Then, after dinner DH wanted to watch some of Earth2.
Now I'm ready to go to bed, so I'll work on this during the week and hope to have it done soon.
I did cut some piano keys for the flower quilt, UFO #1b.
I did cut on the baby clothing quilt too. That needs more work, but my hands hurt after a few cuts. So, I'm working to do maybe an outfit at a time. Maybe that will work some for me.
This is my week for the applique class, so I'm excited about that one.
Went to make dinner and dropped a bowl that shattered. I hate that, because I'm never sure I get all the pieces. No going barefoot for a few days.
Then, after dinner DH wanted to watch some of Earth2.
Now I'm ready to go to bed, so I'll work on this during the week and hope to have it done soon.
I did cut some piano keys for the flower quilt, UFO #1b.
I did cut on the baby clothing quilt too. That needs more work, but my hands hurt after a few cuts. So, I'm working to do maybe an outfit at a time. Maybe that will work some for me.
This is my week for the applique class, so I'm excited about that one.
Accountability list for next week
Plans for the next week.
1. Load and quilt black & white and red all over.
2. Embroider ribbon for shower gift
3. Maybe make an apron -- need to find the pattern first. I don't know if this is what I really want to do or something like a wall hanging. So, maybe it is make a decision and accomplish it before Saturday. LOL
4. Finish top of UFO #1 times 2 -- I have the center done, and need the borders on it.
1. Load and quilt black & white and red all over.
2. Embroider ribbon for shower gift
3. Maybe make an apron -- need to find the pattern first. I don't know if this is what I really want to do or something like a wall hanging. So, maybe it is make a decision and accomplish it before Saturday. LOL
4. Finish top of UFO #1 times 2 -- I have the center done, and need the borders on it.
Judy has us do a stash report weekly. I used to be good at this and now, I'm sporadic. :( So, here is mine for the week.
Used this Week: 0.13 yards
Used year to Date: 45.93 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 24 yards
Net Used for 2013: 21.94 yards
OK, so it was a very light week. I was doing things with DD's band this week. Next week should be a little better. I have the black & white and red all over quilt ready to load. Need to lay everything out again to double/triple check, and then I can load it.
I was going to do that yesterday, but 4 hours standing on concrete and then needing to find an Easter dress for DD, I was out of it. LOL
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Silly sewing
Not much time for me this week. We've had band competitions and lots of miscellaneous things going on. When I'm appliqueing, I find that my neck hurts. I was told to use a pillow. So, I made a couple of pillows that can be used to applique with. Not so purty, but functional. These would actually be UFOs because I used pieces that I'd saved -- who know why.
I might give this one away.
I might keep this one. I remember the quilt this one came from. It was made 10+ years ago. Now I'm using up the leftover. :)
Monday, March 18, 2013
It's a Flimsy!!!
OK, so you've seem my black and white and red all over quilt that I've been talking about for over a month. It is finally a flimsy. I knew it was big, and remember, I got 2 table runners from these blocks. Thank goodness I didn't put them with this quilt. It is huge.
It is on my king sized bed! I didn't realize I made it this big. No wonder I had trouble maneuvering it around the sewing machine!
Now to find the backing for this one. Hopefully one of the wide backs will work for it. I know I'll be binding it in red, but I'm not sure if it will be scrappy or one color of red. I'm leaning towards scrappy.
I originally thought I might quilt it in red roses, but on playing with it more, there might be a need for hearts instead. The quilts always talk to me when I am loading them. :)
After a long day, I did accomplish something quilty. Yeah!
What a Monday!
Mom and Dad are both not doing well. They have been basically sleeping for the last 4 days. So, today was doctor day.
Mom needed blood work done, so at 0800 we were headed to the lab.
While there, I went by the doctor's office to get Dad an appointment. That stubborn old man fell changing the time on a clock over the couch. Did he go get it checked out? No, of course not. He can barely move. Going up stairs is almost impossible. :( So, I got him a 1500 appointment.
Dropped Mom off, told Dad to be ready for his appointment when Mom went for hers at 1330.
Came home, did a little picking up. Nothing heavy. Sewed the rest of the inner border on the black and white and red all over quilt. Sewed 2 of the outer borders on when it was time to leave for the other appointment.
Mom and Dad were ready. Checked them both in about 1315 and we waited for just a short time. I barely got 3 inches done on my turtle applique. Went back and found out that Mom has a really bad cold that is settling in her vocal cords. Not too bad, give it a week to 10 days and she should be fine.
Mom needed blood work done, so at 0800 we were headed to the lab.
While there, I went by the doctor's office to get Dad an appointment. That stubborn old man fell changing the time on a clock over the couch. Did he go get it checked out? No, of course not. He can barely move. Going up stairs is almost impossible. :( So, I got him a 1500 appointment.
Dropped Mom off, told Dad to be ready for his appointment when Mom went for hers at 1330.
Came home, did a little picking up. Nothing heavy. Sewed the rest of the inner border on the black and white and red all over quilt. Sewed 2 of the outer borders on when it was time to leave for the other appointment.
Mom and Dad were ready. Checked them both in about 1315 and we waited for just a short time. I barely got 3 inches done on my turtle applique. Went back and found out that Mom has a really bad cold that is settling in her vocal cords. Not too bad, give it a week to 10 days and she should be fine.
Went back to the waiting room and Dad was called at 1400 -- an hour early. Yes! After him hurting getting to the room, stepping on the scale, getting on the table, when she moved his leg, he had no pain. So, she is fairly sure he didn't break anything! Thank you Lord! She went and did and x-ray anyway to make sure, and just because my Dad smokes like a chimney and is always coughing, she did a chest x-ray. So, the situation is that it will be 6 weeks for him to heal. "( That means he can't really drive, because any pressure on his legs is painful. Guess what I'm doing for awhile? DS will help with this when he is not in school, but it will fall mostly on me. This is why we moved back to Texas. I'm an only child and my parents are aging and DH said I should be close to help them when needed.
I remember doing this in 2005. I didn't think I could do this pattern, but it was a Mystery by Ann Smith and one step at a time and it was done.
We are so lucky to have folks giving patterns away on the Internet.
Maybe I can get the last 2 borders on my quilt tonight.
Design Wall
I'm not sure I will ever get this done, but I really need to have it off the design wall. LOL
I have the last 4 columns to sew the corner patches on and then I can put it all together.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Update on plans
I thought I was going to be home more this weekend, but...life has a way of changing my plans, so the quilting was less than I wanted. So, here is the update from the weekend. The one thing that did happen was I was in the car more than normal, so my applique was worked on.
1. Cut for MysteriesforRelay Mystery that starts tomorrow. Decided to not do this since I was not able to do it that day.
STARTED 2. Get borders on Black and White and Red all over quilt
STARTED3. Inner border on 4 patch flower quilt and start the piano keys
DONE 4. Binding on first 4 patch flower quilt.
DONE 5. Hem a pair of Band pants
DONE 6. Fix the closure on a pair of Band pants
7. Valentine twister pillow made
8. Start the double wedding ring quilt
DONE Finish Whimsical Garden Applique
STARTED 2. Get borders on Black and White and Red all over quilt
STARTED3. Inner border on 4 patch flower quilt and start the piano keys
DONE 4. Binding on first 4 patch flower quilt.
DONE 5. Hem a pair of Band pants
DONE 6. Fix the closure on a pair of Band pants
7. Valentine twister pillow made
8. Start the double wedding ring quilt
DONE Finish Whimsical Garden Applique
Whimsical Garden Block #1
Finished the first block from Whimsical Garden. I did block #2 first, because there were less pieces. I found that little needles can hurt your finger. I think I like the longer needles and need to find where I put them. I need practice for the valleys. I think my beak turned out OK. Had trouble with the leaves, because I had not done applique in at least a week. I think is a technique that you have to practice often to get right. My bird was the roundest and it was the last thing I did. I might add another leaf to the flower on the left. Yes, I did try and make this go the right direction, but I can not figure out how to make that happen. Any tricks that you know?
My Monday is not mine anymore. Mom and Dad are sick and I need to take them to get blood work and to the doctor. That is basically all day on and off.
Stash Report
Judy has us do a stash report weekly. I used to be good at this and now, I'm sporadic. :( So, here is mine for the week.
Used this Week: 6.39 yards
Used year to Date:78.19 45.81 yards
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 24 yards
Net Used for 2013: 21.81 yards
Most of those buys were for backing, so I should be happy. But, that is not a very good average. Guess I'd better get sewing.
This black and white and red all over quilt will use some yardage, and I have a couple more that will use some up. One step at a time.
NOTE: I put the wrong number on used to date. :*( It didn't add up. :( I have 78.19 yards to go to 100 yards used this year.
Used this Week: 6.39 yards
Used year to Date:
Added this Week: 0 yards
Added Year to Date: 24 yards
Net Used for 2013: 21.81 yards
Most of those buys were for backing, so I should be happy. But, that is not a very good average. Guess I'd better get sewing.
This black and white and red all over quilt will use some yardage, and I have a couple more that will use some up. One step at a time.
NOTE: I put the wrong number on used to date. :*( It didn't add up. :( I have 78.19 yards to go to 100 yards used this year.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Happy National Quilting Day!
Well, I didn't do lots of quilting today, but I did work on my Whimsical Gardens Applique. Not done with Block #2 yet. But, I'm making progress.
Yesterday I got the binding on this while watching TV with the family. This was UFO #1 on Liz's UFO Challenge. I still have another one that is ready for bordering. I'm going to use my florals for piano keys around it. The next one is a little larger, so the piano keys will make it larger.
So, we finally got to the last mission in San Antonio. DD was not totally happy to be there with just her parents. LOL She wanted her brother with us, but he had to work.
DH and I under the trees. It was a beautiful day and the temps were high 70's but very comfortable. We ate lunch under the trees and DD enjoyed using her bird whistle while there.
I might try and do something else tonight, but it is getting late and I'm tired. Amazing what the fresh air will do to my energy level. LOL
Friday, March 15, 2013
My weekend to do list
OK, it always helps me to be accountable to someone, so here is what I'm wanting to work on this weekend. Not necessarily in that order, but working on these to have them done.
1. Cut for MysteriesforRelay Mystery that starts tomorrow.
2. Get borders on Black and White and Red all over quilt
3. Inner border on 4 patch flower quilt and start the piano keys
4. Binding on first 4 patch flower quilt.
5. Hem a pair of Band pants
6. Fix the closure on a pair of Band pants
7. Valentine twister pillow made
8. Start the double wedding ring quilt
1. Cut for MysteriesforRelay Mystery that starts tomorrow.
2. Get borders on Black and White and Red all over quilt
3. Inner border on 4 patch flower quilt and start the piano keys
4. Binding on first 4 patch flower quilt.
5. Hem a pair of Band pants
6. Fix the closure on a pair of Band pants
7. Valentine twister pillow made
8. Start the double wedding ring quilt
Quilting away
I have to admit that I've been doing some house cleaning on my computer, so I've had less time working on quilting items.
But, I did load and quilt - a small four patch flowered quilt, which is the UFO #1 on Liz' challenge for this month. I'll put the binding on this morning to be sewn down when we go wherever we might go today. I have a second one of these. Yes, another double UFO on my list. :( But, that is OK.
But, I did load and quilt - a small four patch flowered quilt, which is the UFO #1 on Liz' challenge for this month. I'll put the binding on this morning to be sewn down when we go wherever we might go today. I have a second one of these. Yes, another double UFO on my list. :( But, that is OK.
I'm debating on what to do with it. I think I'm adding a thin border and then doing piano keys to use up some of those pesky floral prints in my flowers scrap drawer that is overflowing.
And, you thought I might be exaggerating? If I can make some piano keys out of this fabric, I could use a little of it up. We know that scraps breed, so this won't go down much. LOL
Another group is doing its sampler in blocks with flower names in them. I'm hoping to use floral for that too. so, that will mean I have 2 BOM type quilts going on with floral prints. I have so many because I don't seem to use them at all. Now is the year to use my florals. Anyone want to join me?
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
The Alamo
Recognize this landmark? Yes, we are at the Alamo. It was a beautiful day today. I enjoyed the other missions more, because they were less crowded. Took us more than 2 hours to go through this small area because of all the people. DD is amazed with all the wells. Why? I'm not sure, but that is the one thing she points out every time we are near one. LOL DD and DS are standing at the curb below.
Here we are with DD being a teen. She didn't like Dad taking so many photos. LOL That guy with the beard is DS. Wish he would shave. LOL
DH and I are on the grounds. We had a good day today. My feet are tired.
To and From all our trips, I worked on binding this little quilt. I have to tell you this ugly quilt is polyester and I hate the feel. It was difficult to bind with the poly. Hard to get the needle through. But, it is done and it is another UFO!!!!

Tomorrow is a stay at home day! I am going to do chores and maybe get this little 4 patch flower quilt on the long arm to troubleshoot the problems again. We shall see if it was the thread or something else.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
what a day
Well, I am so tired. Not a good night to sleep. DH kept waking up and thus waking me up. :(
Had to be up early to get DD to the doctor for a follow-up on her ears. She is doing great. need to get a routine to put those cleaning drops in consistently. So, she was there and the doctor asked her if she had eaten anything and she said no. You know where this is going....she had to have lab work. :( The stupid lab tech missed the vein the first time around. This is after explain DD's GREAT BIG fear of needles. Guess what, it has gotten bigger now. :( So, she was a basket case after that. Barely got the urine sample, but it is done and we should be OK for awhile. What a way to start the day.
Came home exhausted from all the stuff. Had this quilt loaded, and it was giving me trouble with thread breakage. :( I procrastinated in working on it, but even when I did, it too from about 3 - 9 to quilt this little quilt. :( I'm still not sure what is going on. I'll see when I load the next to figure it out. This is Tammy's quilt and I did leaves all over it. I love this quilt. The red just perks it up.
took a walk with DH to go get the lotto ticket. Nice to be out a little. Tomorrow is the next 2 missions. That will be more walking.
Three days without sugar!!!!
Monday, March 11, 2013
First day of spring break
We live near San Antonio. I've been to some of the missions, but not all of them. DD has only been to the Alamo and doesn't remember it. DH has been to more of them because of his job taking them there one year. DS has been to a couple, but not in a number of years. So, we decided to try and go to the missions and visit parts of San Antonio. Today we spent a nice day going to 3 of them. San Jose, San Juan, & Espada. We also went to the aqua duct of Espada. The kids hiked around the aqua duct area and had a grand time. Randy and I went the easy route and took a walk too. All the missions are so different, and DD is going to write up a paper on her experience in Spanish. This is for extra credit so she can help maintain that A honor roll. :)
Randy made wonderful sandwiches for us with lots of avocado, bean sprouts, tomatoes, cheese, ham, chicken and turkey. yummy. We had that, plenty of drinks and fruit. It was a healthy day and fun too.
On a quilty note, I'm about half done with binding that ugly double knit quilt. My fingers hate it as much as my eyes do. LOL It is difficult going through that fabric. I even have a sore finger from the binding. But, tomorrow I should be able to get it done! That will be one UFO done.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
Missing Small Group :(
I don't feel great, the nose bleeding puts a cramp in my style. LOL I never know when it is going to hit.
So, when contemplating whether to go or not, I thought about what I needed to get done. Most of it is using the long arm. Since I can't do that away from the house, I decided to focus my time here and take care of myself.
Tammy sent me 2 quilts she needed quilted, so this is the first. one. I did my swirls on it in white thread. I didn't like the look of the purple thread I had, so it had to be white.
I sewed more patches on DD's Girl Scout vest.
I am loading the second quilt and might get some of it quilted today. We shall see if that happens.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Nothing done, but adding updated photos
OK what a week this has been 4 of 6 of us had ear doctor appointments to figure out how to get the wax to not be so full in our ears.
Then, DH had a follow up appointment for his diabetes and brain scans. The brain scan came back negative for a brain tumor. Thank the Lord!
Then, I started having nose bleeds. I have an appointment tomorrow afternoon.
Then, the band was turning in uniforms and I was there to help that process.
Then I was worn out.... so not much got done.
I did get this applique flower from Whimsical Gardens finished while waiting on doctors. This is Block #2. I am working on Block #1, but it is more difficult with smaller pieces. I think I will outline the flowers, but I need to find my DMC floss.
This assortment of blocks is from Home in the Middle. I think we do the house next time. I started this with Lorena in November, and it is what got me going on applique.
i did put the binding on the ugly double knit quilt. I need to sew it down now. I don't like the feel of double knit, so it is not at the top of my list. It will be a UFO when I complete it and will go to a homeless person that will love it.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
1. Put borders on Black and White and red all over.
2. Put borders on floral 4 patch
3. Put binding on double knit quilt
4. Applique Whimsical Garden block 1
DONE 5. Applique Whimsical Garden block 2

I'll be starting the Block #1 now. It was harder and I wanted to practice a little. I like the back background.
Sunday, March 3, 2013
2. Put borders on Black and White and red all over.
4. Put borders on floral 4 patch
5. Put binding on double knit quilt
STARTED 10. Applique Pixie Garden
Worked on BOM
My apocketfulofmysteries Alphabet BOM A-C
I'm making these for Lynne. These are her Alphabet blocks c - a. (Why is it upside down?)
Contrary wife for Lynne
My Contrary wife that I had to rip out because I turned one of the hst. :(
One item off my list. Lynne's blocks are ready to mail in the morning.
So, since DD is not feeling well, we are staying home today.
What is on my to do list for today and this week?
2. Put borders on Black and White and red all over.
3. Put borders on floral 4 patch
4. Put borders on floral 4 patch
5. Put binding on double knit quilt
6. Prep Home in the Middle
7. Prep Whimsical Garden and start applique
8. Prep Whimsical Garden
9. Prep Pixie Garden
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Home in the middle applique finished
I'll never understand how the computer decides which direction to put a photo. LOL I didn't even turn the camera on this one. anyway, had a class on Thursday and this is one of the blocks. I'm debating on back stitching around the applique. Not sure yet, but will have to evaluate it.
Now I need to prep for next month and do the 2 Whimsical Garden Blocks. There are lots of pieces to them.
New UFO pick
Yesterday was the first of the month. It is always fun to begin a month. Liz picked a new UFO and it is UFO #1.
I had so many of these 4 patches that I have already made 2 of these quilts. We shall see if I use them up this time, or how many quilts are made from it. LOL
Thanks to Liz, I have already taken 2 UFOs off my list and made more quilts that than.
We also got our new BOM from apocketfulofmystersies yahoo group -- Contrary Wife. I hope to get my 2 blocks done today and get the one for my swap partner mailed out on Monday.
I have 2 quilts to quilt this weekend for my friend Tammy. I have the box here, but have not even opened it yet.
Friday, March 1, 2013
crazy week
Only sewing I got done this week was hemming band pants. so, I hope to sew some this weekend. DD has been ill with an ear ache, so that has taken us to the ER for two nights.
I did some applique work yesterday and today while I was waiting in ER and watching TV with DH tonight. I might get that one block done for Home in the middle. I have the flower, the hands and legs, the dress done. I need to do the face, hair and hat. Then I'll need to do some embroidery work on this one to make it work right.
I'll post a photo as soon as the applique is done.
I did some applique work yesterday and today while I was waiting in ER and watching TV with DH tonight. I might get that one block done for Home in the middle. I have the flower, the hands and legs, the dress done. I need to do the face, hair and hat. Then I'll need to do some embroidery work on this one to make it work right.
I'll post a photo as soon as the applique is done.
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