Today I got a package in the mail addressed to me, return address from me. ????? It was mailed from Anchorage, Alaska. But, I'm not sure who from or why. Seems to happen to me too often anymore. I love the purse.
It is red and is pretty.
Isn't the inside wonderful??? So, maybe I'll find out soon. I looked on some of my groups, and I didn't see anyone from Alaska -- is Just Judi still around.

Then, I remembered that DD wanted to give the girl that does her nails (when she goes with Mom and I to our nail appointment, the nail lady's daughter is there) a 16th birthday present. I forgot to get it done. I wanted to make her a purse. She likes red and black. So, I got the brilliant idea to make a red and black purse. So, I tried a new pattern. I embroidered a letter K on the fabric.
This is the front.
This is the back. Now, all was going well until I wanted to put the bottom in. They said to just straight stitch it in. All fine and good, but it is stiff interfacing that they had in the pattern. It did not want to bend at all. so, I have a hole in one corner.
I didn't want it to fall apart, so I zigzagged all around it. Now, I need to figure out how to fix the hole. I might just need to hand stitch it to make it work. I don't want to think about it tonight, I'll think about it tomorrow.