Well, DH is off to Washington DC and it is cloudy outside. He is still at the airport with a plane delay.
Me, I came home and mopped the kitchen floor, and started to cut out 2.5" squares from baby clothing. Sometimes it is hard to cut up something that is perfectly good clothing. But, Lillian wants it, so that is what I'm doing. I've been procrastinating about this project because of the magnitude and it being someone else's things.
So, after an hour, I have this many squares.

I wonder how long it is going to take me to get through this?

Oh my, I don't think I know what I'm getting myself into.
My kitchen curtains will be worked on too, but I just had to stop and let my mind rest. Ever have one of those projects that just don't want to do what is right? Well, that is this curtain.
I did load a QOV on the long arm and it is ready to quilt now. I have to quilt around the embroidery work, so I imagine it will just be a meander design. I'll know more when I start it.
So, it feels so good to be back at the machines and cutting board. Since the valance is done, I'll even have a stash report that is something more than a zero for next week. That makes me happy.