Well it has been awhile since I've taken the time to get on-line and let you know waht I've been up to. Life has taken its toll on me and I've been depressed. So, that keeps me in a cycle. But, I'm working to get out of it. I have been making angels.

That doesn't help with the fabric stash, but a machine is running and I need to stay close while it stitches out. I have sent a few off to others in need, and can keep on stitching them for awhile.
What have I done as far as quilting? Just a little. I'm working on testing a mystery, so I can't even share that with you. :( But, come NYE you can see it on lots of sites -- Ann shares her mysteries with lots of folks. There are 11 clues and I'm on #6. IF I could read, I'd be done with it. LOL I didn't make enough hst in the pre-sewing stage because I read the wrong thing. :( All my fault, and now I am making more.
I've been working on catching up on all the mailings. I was behind on UFO Challenge prizes going out. They have been mailed. I have potholders almost ready to leave my home. I've only been to the PO 3 times this week. LOL
I need to load a quilt today and get it ready to quilt. I have so many that still need quilting and mailed off. I have 2 heartstrings, 2 QOVs, my Fall Leaves mystery, and JoAnn's quilt to quilt.
I also have made a mess of the sewing studio, so I'm working on it in 15 minute increments to help me gain more control.
DD's Girl Scouts is busy right now. We got the nuts that she got orders for picked up and we are now collecting money and delivering nuts. :) She is so much fun to go with to get this done. This weekend is the food drive. I hope it doesn't rain on us. Tonight is the meeting and it should be fun with all the things they will be able to use to decorate their binders. They have some things to finish up for the awards ceremony on the 20th, so it is a catch up meeting. :)
I'll try and do better at keeping in touch.