Sunday, July 21, 2024

Stash Report 7/21/2024

      quilt paint create links to all our stash reports. 

What do you do when a friend cleans her good stuff from her stash?

Yep, you add way too much fabric to your own stash.

Used this Week:
1.9 yards

Total Used Year to Date:
Donated fabric
198.75 yards
55.67 yards
Net Stash used in July    
-22.48 yards

Added this Week:
23.75 yards

Added Year to Date:
147.25 yards

New Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
92.83 yards

Prairie Moon is doing a 350-block challenge:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:
Number of UFOs completed
UFO Yardage Used
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:
Number of Bobbins Used this Week:
Number of Bobbins Used this Year:
Number of Spools Used this Week:
Number of Spools Used this Year:

This week, I've only finished the hanging sleeves and labels for the quilts in the quilt show.

I quilted two things yesterday, so there will be a finish next week.

I don't have any quilty photos this week or anything on my design walls, so this is my DD and myself along the beach.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Finished or not Friday 7/19/2024

 Plan for 7/12/2024 7/19/2024

It's been a week of little sewing because of home repair stuff.

 1. Ashley's T-shirt Grocery Bags
One more to go.
Nope, she gave me two more to do, so three more to go.

2. Quilt Baby Quilt
I need to clean the long arm tracks to ensure the insulation will not cause any damage.

3. More Swatter Sweaters
4. Finish Gnome Quilt
I'm almost done with the borders, then quilt.

Plan for 7/26/2024

Our New Braunfels Area Quilt Guild QuiltFest is this weekend.
I'm one of the three in charge of it, so besides hanging sleeves on my quilts and show responsibilities, I doubt anything else gets done.

1. Hanging Sleeve on Fish in the Sea

2. Hanging Sleeve on Floral Delight

3. Hanging Sleeve on Houzuki

4. Hanging Sleeve on Color Me Crazy

5. Cover up Labels with blue painters tape.

6. Finish BEST OF SHOW banner

Plan for 8/2/2024

 1. Ashley's T-shirt Grocery Bags
One more to go.
Nope, she gave me two more to do, so three more to go.

2. Quilt Baby Quilt
I need to clean the long arm tracks to ensure the insulation will not cause any damage.

3. More Swatter Sweaters
4. Finish Gnome Quilt
I'm almost done with the borders, then quilt.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Finished or Not Friday 7/12/2024

Plan for 7/12/2024 7/19/2024

 1. Ashley's T-shirt Grocery Bags
One more to go.
Nope, she gave me two more to do, so three more to go.

2. Quilt Baby Quilt
I need to clean the long arm tracks to ensure the insulation will not cause any damage.

3. More Swatter Sweaters
4. Finish Gnome Quilt
I have one more star to go, then the border, then quilt.

Design Wall Monday 7/15/2024

    Design Wall Monday 

Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

I was out of my house so much that I didn't bother to post.

My design walls were bare.

We replaced our air conditioner, and I had to take everything off one of my design walls.

Because of the heat, I've not been in my sewing room, which made finishing an issue.

We have a new air conditioner, which caused them to send insulation all over everything.

Then, we had new lighting installed, and everything had to be moved. That caused me to do a deep clean.

So, I have been cleaning more than sewing.

My design walls have a couple of small projects.

This little table runner with gnomes is so adorable.
It should be done soon if I get to sew.

My Quilt show is coming soon.
I need something to distinguish the Best of Show.
I'm making this wall hanging to identify it.
Our theme is "Peace, Love, & Flower Power".

Stash Report for 7/14/2024

     quilt paint create links to all our stash reports. 

Used this Week:
1.38 yards

Total Used Year to Date:
Donated fabric
196.84 yards
55.67 yards
Net Stash used in July    
-0.65 yards

Added this Week:
4.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
123.50 yards

New Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
70.99 yards

Prairie Moon is doing a 350-block challenge:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:
Number of UFOs completed
UFO Yardage Used
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:
Number of Bobbins Used this Week:
Number of Bobbins Used this Year:
Number of Spools Used this Week:
Number of Spools Used this Year:

All I've worked on this week has been the binding on my Christmas Mug Rugs.
They are small, and I finished 8 of the 20 bindings.

I have two quilts ready to quilt, but I have to super clean the long arm because the insulation from the air conditioning repair was dumped there.

Then, we had new lighting installed in my studio.

It was dark during installation and I could not sew.

Then, there was light.
It is so bright here that it will wake you up in the mornings.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Last Week

 I had a sewing week last week.

We are having our air conditioner replaced, including duct work.

What a mess this has been.

I don't do heat very well, so I have been away from the house.

On Tuesday, I spent the day with my friend, Michelle.

We sewed from 0815 to 2215.

What a day that was.

You can see the tote bags I made at this post.

I also continued to work on my Jacob's Ladder class quilt.

I was making one set of blocks and needed the second set, and it pieced together.

I worked on some other things, but I didn't finish those.

Then, I went with another friend to the Uptown Blanco Retreat Center

We arrived around 9 on Wednesday, so we sewed all day Wednesday and Thursday.

I had to come home Thursday evening because I taught an Advent Calendar class with the senior ladies on Friday.

Then, I drove back to Blanco and sewed until 630 Friday evening.

I put binding on these little mug rugs.

I finished putting together this little road quilt. 

I finished the blocks for my Jacob's Ladder Quilt and with the help of the other ladies at the retreat, changed the setting to a rectangle quilt, rather than square.
I added the black border on Saturday.

Then, my daughter and her best friend came over to sew on Friday.
Michelle was sweet enough to let us sew in her space (it's bigger than mine).
I made another tote bag.
This one had to be stabilized.

I started putting together a Gnome Table Runner.
I didn't have the teal with me, so I stopped until I got home.

I was tired and didn't do as much as I usually do.

I don't know how much I will accomplish today.
It might be a day to recuperate from a week of sewing.

Stash Report 7/7/2024

     quilt paint create links to all our stash reports. 

Used this Week:
15.14 yards

Total Used Year to Date:
Donated fabric
195.46 yards
55.67 yards
Net Stash used in June
Net Stash used in July    
0.23 yards
1.97 yards

Added this Week:
0.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
119.5 yards

New Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
68.37 yards

Prairie Moon is doing a 350-block challenge:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:
Number of UFOs completed
UFO Yardage Used
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:
Number of Bobbins Used this Week:
Number of Bobbins Used this Year:
Number of Spools Used this Week:
Number of Spools Used this Year:

It was a week of sewing, but there were few completions.
There should be an increase when I finish the ones I started.

Phone Chargers
This was a project with the senior ladies.
I always make step-by-step instructions, so I have extra items.
I finished them.

Habitat for Humanity Girl Quilt
They needed a quilt for a 2-year-old.
I had this cute panel and made it up.
Her favorite color is pink.

Tote bags
My daughter couldn't part with these shirts, so she asked for tote bags for groceries. 
They are all lined.

Off Kilter