Friday, August 31, 2007
QWL returned
I did get a QWL returned from the lady doing the binding. I didn't have one ready for her. Guess I need to make sure to get at least one finished this weekend so I have it for her next week. It is nice to have some help on the bindings. I've not been doing much this week. Maybe it is just getting back into the swing of things and doctors appointments. I do hope to quilt more this weekend.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
DD quilt top done

Friday, August 24, 2007
Happy Birthday DD
Thursday, August 23, 2007
LIttle sewing
I did get the binding sewn on a QOV that I will start working on tomorrow.
I have the batting for the QWL cut and things ready to load on the long arm. I think this is goign to be a quick meander to get it done and the quilt ready to bind. I think I can get 2-3 more in the box before sending it on. I need to do that soon.
I did get 2 of the 5 shelves of fabric loaded tonight. So, I am making progress.
Tomorrow is DD's birthday, so I doubt I'll get much done in the sewing arena.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So, did I get any quilting done today? Nope, not anything. I did get to make a birthday crown for DD. You know, she is turning 8 on Friday and NEEDED a crown. LOL
So, she picked out the fabric and I had to make a crown for the birthday girl to wear.
Here she is. LOL wearing her crown.

Thanks, Miss Kim.

Her she is as a glittered up girl ready to go to dinner. She came out of the bathroom all glittery. It wouldn't come off -- only in the shower and we were hungry. LOL
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
QOV quilted
Monday, August 20, 2007
UFO on hold
I came home and to do something quilty, I tried the Baptist Fans again. I am getting better, but boy it is taking me lots of time to do it. I have to stop at one point to make sure it will line up right. :( So, this is NOT a quick pattern.
I'm about half way done on a QOV, so maybe I can get that done tomorrow. We are home tomorrow because DH has a dentist appointment.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
one more step

Saturday, August 18, 2007
The UFO work continues

Friday, August 17, 2007
working on the UFO

I'm hoping to finish the hearts tonight.
100% of the fabric I'm using is stash fabric. I've been placing all the fabric I had that was used in this quilt, so I'm excited to get more fabric used.

Also finished the binding on a QWL and will be getting it ready for the mail.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
UFO progress

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

This is the BOM I created directions for and then I left the group. Long sad story, so not getting into it here. LOL
Anyway, I decided I wanted to use the leftovers from the snowballs on the blocks to add to the quilt. So, I used Bonnie Hunter's leader/ender process and made pinwheels out of them. I had the right number to do the center cornerstones. The other ones were not the same size, so I decided to put them on point with the white, since the white was the background fabric. When I did that, I had enough to use them as cornerstones for the outside. Decided it needed a different color. Wish I'd changed and red in the center and blue on the outside, but ..... next time. LOL
Now, I'm going to get it quilted and send to Qatar to a friend that is there.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

I'm doing 2 of the QOVs a month, and have the 30 QWLs to finish up.
Mysteries seem to be my focus for new projects. Had 3 going at once. This is QOV mystery. I'll be donating this to the QOV group.