Well, 2008 is upon us. It is getting windier and windier here. So, not fireworks with the burn ban that is in effect.
I've been working on Clue #3. I have only 10 of the 80 completed, but all the pieces are ready to sew together. The rest will be done tomorrow.
Wishing everyone a Fabulous 2008!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Carolina Crossings Step #2 done
Well, I finished the Step #2 of the mystery.

I've got most of the pieces for Step #3 done, just need to put them together. That might still happen tonight, but might not too.
It is good to sew. I've had lots of interruptions, but I've been sewing on and off all day long. I would have thought I'd been further along, but I am slowing down in my old age. LOL
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Carolina Crossings
I working on step 2. Not as leader/ender, but just sewing them. I am using only scraps, so some of them are one or two alike. That will give lots of variety. I'm hoping this red, white and blue scrappy is pretty. If I have anything, I have lots of red and blue scraps. Maybe I will have a little more room in the scraps drawers when this is finished. I don't cut up my scraps until I am ready to use them, so I don't have lots of strips of different sizes. I'm cutting as I go along. It is interesting how things are coming together.
I have 50 of 100 done. Hoping to get them finished and caught up before the next clue.
I have 50 of 100 done. Hoping to get them finished and caught up before the next clue.
Friday, December 28, 2007
More sewing & quilting
I'm having fun again.
I've got about 1/3 of the sub units for Step 2 of Carolina Crossings done. I could have more done if I'd just sit and sew it.
But, I'm trying to get my kitchen curtains finished. I ran into a problem, so now it might be tomorrow before they are done. :(
I made a block for a love quilt. I need to get to the post office to get it mailed off. Maybe tomorrow morning.
I've got about 1/3 of the sub units for Step 2 of Carolina Crossings done. I could have more done if I'd just sit and sew it.
But, I'm trying to get my kitchen curtains finished. I ran into a problem, so now it might be tomorrow before they are done. :(

Thursday, December 27, 2007
More finishes
Finally finished my step 1 for Bonnie's mystery ! It is a long process for me. I've not been sewing like normal, so I was slow in making the
100 rail fence 3.5" blocks. LOL I have them done and am on my way to step 2. They are 100 9 patches. LOL Bonnie has already posted Step 4, so I am behind.

Now on to making a love quilt block. I need to get it cut out and started tonight. Maybe I'll even get it done. :)
Pillow talk
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Winter Solstic
One of my on-line groups has a Winter Solstic exchange. I actually should have opened this on Saturday, but I've not been home enough to do that. So, I opened it today. We had certain things we needed to find and package for our partner.
To help me enjoy winter, I have a snowman vest to make and a Claus from Oz to put together.
Her winter celebration memory included soup when company came, so I have some vegetable soup mix. It is getting colder here, so I will be enjoying that.
The item only for me is a coaster with a tea cup in the center and has my name embroidered on the bottom, and it has a favorite color of lavendar on it.
The promis of a new year has some wonderful springy fabric, carrot seads and cardinal climber seeds. My DD will LOVE to help me plant them in the spring.
My something to give away is some home sweet home buttons. I get to keep one and give one away. I'm thinking I might just make a PC and send it on to a friend.
My recycled (used book) and recyclable gift was the book "Buried in Quilts" and "What I learned from god While Quilting" I love to read, so these will be used and I'll figure out when to pass them on. They were wrapped in wonderful Christmas fabric.
My quilty thing was a pincushion basket with spools of thread around it. I've seen this pattern, but have not made one. It was wrapped in green fabric and tied with this beautiful blue ribbon.
My "green" bag is a black bag from Fred Meyer.
I also received a star Christmas ornament.
Wow, I was a lucky person to receive this gift.
Weekly Update
Well, it is Sunday report time again. It is so much fun for Judy L. to have one spot for us to go and see what everyone is doing.
I had a busy week. Most of it was making redwork towels for teachers and staff. I also made some other gifts like the coasters and tote bags.
The friend I made the ladybug quilt for is home and recovering on the couch and is covered with love in the quilt. That makes me feel good to have spent a weekend working on it.
I finished the label for The birthday quilt that we sent to Aunti Elizabeth. She received it and was so happy. She is 90 years old and cold all the time. She is so enjoying wrapping up in the quilt and hugging on the pillows each night.
I did cut out 16 no sew scarves and didn't get photos of the finished products.
The Brownies enjoyed making these. The animal print I used was just not what I will use again, but they loved them. Made another one today for one of DD's friends.
I made it through the week without buying fabric. I feel good that I made through the week. :)
Wishing EVERYONE a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Remember the reason for the season.
I had a busy week. Most of it was making redwork towels for teachers and staff. I also made some other gifts like the coasters and tote bags.
The friend I made the ladybug quilt for is home and recovering on the couch and is covered with love in the quilt. That makes me feel good to have spent a weekend working on it.
I finished the label for The birthday quilt that we sent to Aunti Elizabeth. She received it and was so happy. She is 90 years old and cold all the time. She is so enjoying wrapping up in the quilt and hugging on the pillows each night.
I did cut out 16 no sew scarves and didn't get photos of the finished products.
I made it through the week without buying fabric. I feel good that I made through the week. :)
Wishing EVERYONE a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Remember the reason for the season.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
School is out
Got the last (forgotten people) towels
done in time to take to school yesterday morning, so all was well.

We had fun passing them out. DD singing "We wish you a Merry Christmas" all through the halls.
Then, I received more postcards from my swap.
Aren't they all beautiful? These are from the last 2 years of swapping.

I'm hoping to get all presents wrapped and a quilt loaded on the long arm today.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Teacher gifts
I spent most of the week making towels for teachers
they are all red work towels.
Some are going to the staff and teachers DD has had in the past.

But they are all wrapped, candy cane and gift tag in place.
Then, she decided she wanted to give something to the cafeteria and custodial staff.
So WE made coasters. DD did the pressing and organizing of the colors. I cut and sewed.
I'd made these totes before, and we filled them for 3 special teachers.So, I busted stash of towels and a little of Christmas fabrics. Since tomorrow is a half day of school, maybe I'll get some other things done.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Teacher towels

Sunday, December 16, 2007
Sunday Reporting
Well, it is that time again, to report my doings this week for the Judy L update report.
I feel like I've been productive this week, not like some weeks in the past. LOL
I've not bought fabric this week, so my stash has gone down. Everything I did this week was from stash or were gifts from a secret Santa.
I finished a ladybug quilt for a friend that just found out she is diabetic and has been having horrible problems, including surgery. She needed a quilt fast, so I used some blocks from my secret Santa to make it quick. I did it all this weekend. (I'm trying something new to link to the page where I've shown a photo. Let's hope it works.)
I've finished my blue and white Christmas quilt that was a UFO from a few years past. I really like this quilt. I have enjoyed it since I completed it. It is on my couch in the family room.
I made some heartstrings this week for the heartstrings anniversary quilt.
I finished a birthday quilt for Aunti Elizabeth from birthday blocks from a swap at least 3 years ago. So, this was another UFO that is completed. This is a pretty quilt that Vicki helped me make the label for. Thanks, Vicki!
I got 4 prayer squares ready to be tied by my Mom while at the doctors and I made a few yoyos and yoyo hearts.
I feel like I've accomplished some things this week.
I feel like I've been productive this week, not like some weeks in the past. LOL
I've not bought fabric this week, so my stash has gone down. Everything I did this week was from stash or were gifts from a secret Santa.
I finished a ladybug quilt for a friend that just found out she is diabetic and has been having horrible problems, including surgery. She needed a quilt fast, so I used some blocks from my secret Santa to make it quick. I did it all this weekend. (I'm trying something new to link to the page where I've shown a photo. Let's hope it works.)
I've finished my blue and white Christmas quilt that was a UFO from a few years past. I really like this quilt. I have enjoyed it since I completed it. It is on my couch in the family room.
I made some heartstrings this week for the heartstrings anniversary quilt.
I finished a birthday quilt for Aunti Elizabeth from birthday blocks from a swap at least 3 years ago. So, this was another UFO that is completed. This is a pretty quilt that Vicki helped me make the label for. Thanks, Vicki!
I got 4 prayer squares ready to be tied by my Mom while at the doctors and I made a few yoyos and yoyo hearts.
I feel like I've accomplished some things this week.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Blue Christmas
Here is the finished Blue Christmas quilt, and I'm going to be able to keep it. Isn't it beautiful. I got the blocks from the SFQ group a few years ago. I shopped for the alternating fabric a year ago at the retreat in PA. I finally found the border fabric this year (it is in the center of some of the squares. I think the white sets it off.
I'm happy with it.
Shelly's Ladybugs
The Misfits secret Santa opening

This was fun, and I hope Marianne was not too stressed out. I know she did a WONDERFUL job with my presents.
Now to play today. It is windy and cold here in central Texas. Yuck!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Christmas quilt
Well, I got the blue and white quilt quilted, and the binding is on ready to be sewn down while DH is in the dentist. I had thought this was going to be mine, but it might end up being a lady who just found out she was diabetic and is in the hospital after a surgery on her leg.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Productive day
Well, I've not "completed" anything today, but I did lots of somethings. LOL
I finished 2 string blocks to be mailed off for the Heartstrings anniversary quilt.
I made a couple more of step 1 of Bonnie's Mystery.

I made the backing of the blue and white Christmas quilt. It is loaded on the long arm and ready to quilt. I'm not sure what I'm doing yet, but need to get it done in the morning.
DH has dental surgery tomorrow, and I don't have a quilt to work on. :(
I also did some putting away and cleaning up of the sewing area. It is almost clean. Still have some things to go, but it is better than before.
I received my secret Santa gift and I AM afraid of what is in it. LOL
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Birthday Quilt

I made a healing heart for a friend, and forgot that photo too. What is wrong with me????
Oh, I wrapped a Christmas gift and can't post a photo of it, but I used 2 yds of material. :)
I've been cleaning up my room by putting away the fabric I used this weekend at the sew-in.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Busy day
As always, I was busy today.
I had a doctors appointment and was put on blood pressure medicine. Hoping that will be a good thing for me. It was stressing me out not know what was going on.
So, while at the doctor, I put the ties in for Mom to pray and tie on the prayer squares.
I made a few heart yoyos with the new yo yo makers. They are so tiny. I need to try some of the larger makers.
I made the backing and loaded the birthday quilt. Need to get it quilted tonight and then I'll have something to work on while DS is at the doctor tomorrow.
Thought I'd better post before moving forward.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Sunday happenings
Update for Judy L for the week.
Didn't get much done this week. If you look back, you can see the results.
I made 4 Prayer squares for the church. They used up 4 UFO blocks, and all from my stash.
I put the borders on my Christmas Quilt.
I made 60 of the first step of Bonnie Hunters myster
I started to get the backing done for the birthday quilt.
Did the QWL quilting and a binding this week.
Everything I did was from stash, and I didn't buy anything this week. DH did ask about fabric for Christmas, so my stash will probably be increasing.
Didn't get much done this week. If you look back, you can see the results.
I made 4 Prayer squares for the church. They used up 4 UFO blocks, and all from my stash.
I put the borders on my Christmas Quilt.
I made 60 of the first step of Bonnie Hunters myster
I started to get the backing done for the birthday quilt.
Did the QWL quilting and a binding this week.
Everything I did was from stash, and I didn't buy anything this week. DH did ask about fabric for Christmas, so my stash will probably be increasing.
Saturday workings

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