I had a sewing week last week.
We are having our air conditioner replaced, including duct work.
What a mess this has been.
I don't do heat very well, so I have been away from the house.
On Tuesday, I spent the day with my friend, Michelle.
We sewed from 0815 to 2215.
What a day that was.
You can see the tote bags I made at this post.
I also continued to work on my Jacob's Ladder class quilt.
I was making one set of blocks and needed the second set, and it pieced together.
I worked on some other things, but I didn't finish those.
Then, I went with another friend to the Uptown Blanco Retreat Center.
We arrived around 9 on Wednesday, so we sewed all day Wednesday and Thursday.
I had to come home Thursday evening because I taught an Advent Calendar class with the senior ladies on Friday.
Then, I drove back to Blanco and sewed until 630 Friday evening.
I put binding on these little mug rugs.

I finished putting together this little road quilt.
I finished the blocks for my Jacob's Ladder Quilt and with the help of the other ladies at the retreat, changed the setting to a rectangle quilt, rather than square.
I added the black border on Saturday.
Then, my daughter and her best friend came over to sew on Friday.
Michelle was sweet enough to let us sew in her space (it's bigger than mine).
I made another tote bag.
This one had to be stabilized.
I started putting together a Gnome Table Runner.I didn't have the teal with me, so I stopped until I got home.
I was tired and didn't do as much as I usually do.
I don't know how much I will accomplish today.
It might be a day to recuperate from a week of sewing.