Saturday, September 23, 2017

Whoop Whoop

Confessions of a Fabric Addict Does a Whoop Whoop Post on Fridays.
I missed it on Friday, but here goes.

I've not quilted anything because I don't want to sew batting together.
I want to, but I don't want to stop and do it.
So, I started working on my Spring Jelly Roll, which happens to include the art from Special Reach last year.
I'll put this together into a small quilt and they will auction it off at their event.

I did get another row sewn on the baby clothing quilt.
It is cute, but I have a mental issue with this quilt.
It is big and heavy.
It takes abut 20 minutes to pin all the seams before sewing.
But, I'm making progress.

I'm also making a small bag for the the Elm Street Bag It Challenge.
I'm making a pencil case for my DD.

I really need to finish off postcards, which would mean I'd change the foot and be able to get to sewing batting together.

1 comment:

Sandy Panagos said...

If you use up all your batting pieces for those postcards, you won't have to sew them together for you quilt, you could just buy new batting. I'm just sayin'.