Sunday, March 2, 2025

Stash Report 3/2/2025

     Quilt Paint Create stash report for 3/2/2025 

Used this Week:
13.04 yards

Total Used Year to Date:
Donated fabric
71.56 yards
2.00 yards
Net Stash used in February
Net Stash used in March    
34.24 yards
2.01 yards

Added this Week:
0.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
11.00 yards

2025 Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
128.44 yards

I've sewn on other things, but mostly, it is finishing up the phone stands for retreat.
I have about 10 more to finish for retreat, but probably a total of 20 to complete.

I've worked on items, but nothing else was completed this week.

Prairie Moon is not doing a 350-block challenge anymore, but I'm still keeping track:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:

Number of UFOs completed
UFO Yardage Used
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:

Number of Bobbins Used this Week:
Number of Bobbins Used this Year:
Number of Spools Used this Week:
Number of Spools Used this Year:

Life in Pieces is counting the number of days of quilting
61/61 (100%)

I'm about ready to go on a quilt retreat, so I hope to get more accomplished.

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