Friday, May 17, 2024

Finished or Not Friday 5/17/2024

       "Finished or not Fridays"

DONE 1. Grandson's signature quilt

2. I must also cut a peach and green quilt for more variety.
I am delaying on this one and have no idea why.

3. Piece Off Kilter
It is in process but still needs to be put together.
Other things took priority this week.

4. Stashbusters have already put out the May numbers.
I pulled the small fall quilt, and it is on the design wall.
It is a mess. LOL
I had a group of leftover pieces in fall colors that were started.
I then decided to raid my other box of leftovers, which I am adding to the quilt.
This is not normally my style, but I think I like it.
I have very few pieces left, but I think it is big enough.
Now to quilt it.

DONE 5. While pulling the Stashbuster numbers, I found a T-shirt quilt that is from someone else.

6. The last thing I did was going to be pillows.
The top is done and ready to quilt.

7. Quilt and bind Hope Hospice Guild Quilt
It is loaded to be quilted.

8. Bear Pillow
I had planned to make this years ago but ran out of time before the shower.
So, it became a UFO.
It and the Squirrel Pillows are now done and in Christmas packages.
Bear and Squirrel Pillow stuffed and ready to gift.

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