This is the panel for the dolphins I wanted to make DD a quilt with. But, DD was NOT thrilled with the colors. Yikes, she always loved bright colors. Now it is BLUE and only blue. LOL So, I'll just have to work on that blue dolphin quilt. How boring. LOL

This is the blue dolphin fabric I found. I am trying to figure out how to do tiny snails trails to go around the center block, and then something creative for the rest of the other panel. I don't know that the fabric to the far left is going to work in this quilt, but I can hope. I'll be using the black for much of the background.
One of JoMarie's friends gave me most of this fabric. I'll use it in scrappy quilts. The crushed walnuts are being used in pincushions.
I thought this was a fun pattern. Hopefully I'll get to work on it this year. I needed COC, WOW, white backgrounds. I was running very low on them. I also had not brought any with me, so I needed some for DH's quilt. The Christmas panels were also given to me by one of JoMarie's friends. Nice friends. :)

These are more scraps from Barbara. I found the cupcake pattern on the quilt shop run I went with JoAnn, Terry, Sabrina and Linda. It is so cute. The color/color hst are more that I cut while in San Pedro.

These are the books I found at all the different shops I went to. Aren't they fun. Most were 40% off.

This is a kit that I kept walking past in the Quilting Bee in Orange, CA. I just had to have this kit. It has applique on it, but I want to try it. I hope I get to it this year too.

These came from the 40% off store that is closing. i love Kincaid, so I will have to figure out what to do with these 2 panels. Maybe a Christmas quilt. I thought I could do something in the blue dolphin room that reminds DD of her horseback riding too. LOL

This is a mixture of given fabrics and bought ones. The ones on the right hand side are what I got to go with the bright dolphin fabric. Oh well, they will be used.

These are all the trimmed hst that I've been working on all summer. The other color/color one should have been in the photo, but it was packed elsewhere at the time. LOL I still have a cake pan sized box to finish trimming. There are lots of usable pieces here. I'll just need to figure out a pattern to use and it will be fun, because they are already made. I am making pincushions out of the smallest ones (1" unfinished).
these are the trimmings from all those trimmed hst. LOL I think it is enough for a pet bed. DD better get busy with what she is working on.
Mel, I love your trimmings pile. I have a container I keep mine in. When it is full I take time to play with small cz patch, deco stitches & make pin cushion pillows stuffed with the trimmings. Relaxing & a basket of quick gifts when needed.
That's a very impressive collection of trimmed HSTs! Glad to hear you use the trimmings for dog beds. I save mine for a friend who does that.
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