Sunday, September 22, 2024

Stash Report 9/22/2024

     quilt paint create links to all our stash reports. 

I am not sewing much.

My husband is going through chemo, and the amount of doctor appointments is high.

I am trying to do something.

Used this Week:
3.11 yards

Total Used Year to Date:
Donated fabric
227.24 yards
55.67 yards
Net Stash used in September    
3.11 yards

Added this Week:
0.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
147.25 yards

New Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
63.34 yards

Advent Calendar


Senior Water Bottle carrier

lavender sachet

Senior Flat Wallet

Prairie Moon is doing a 350-block challenge:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:
Number of UFOs completed
UFO Yardage Used
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:
Number of Bobbins Used this Week:
Number of Bobbins Used this Year:
Number of Spools Used this Week:
Number of Spools Used this Year:

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Design Wall Monday 8/12/2024

   Design Wall Monday 

Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

My butterfly quilt is still not changed.
I do have the pattern I changed to, so this UFO is not what it was going to be.

I worked on some Shashiko while DD drove this last weekend.
I'd love to see what I have done for the vacation quilt, but that will wait until after vacation.
I think I know what I don't like about the block to the right.
I think it is too scrappy for my tastes.
I will plan it out a bit better and see if I like it more.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Stash Report 8/11/2024

    quilt paint create links to all our stash reports. 

I'm preparing for vacation, so I'm unsure how the next two weeks will look.

I do have a quilt I want to bind on the trip, and I have some hand sewing that will make things easy to finish when I get home.

But August will probably be another light month.

Used this Week:
1.61 yards

Total Used Year to Date:
Donated fabric
212.17 yards
55.67 yards
Net Stash used in August    
1.77 yards

Added this Week:
0.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
147.25 yards

New Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
79.41 yards

Christmas Mug Rugs
Water Bottle Carrier

Prairie Moon is doing a 350-block challenge:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:
Number of UFOs completed
UFO Yardage Used
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:
Number of Bobbins Used this Week:
Number of Bobbins Used this Year:
Number of Spools Used this Week:
Number of Spools Used this Year:

Friday, August 9, 2024

What a day

 This quilt does not want to be quilted.

First, it was loaded before the quilts show.

I wanted to quilt it but had no energy after the show.

Then, when I did start, my thread kept breaking.

Why? Who knows.

I changed to a different needle brand, and the breaking thread stopped.

Then, after that, it was quilting fine until a bobbin change.

The machine felt heavy, and that's the only way to describe it.

Did I stop and check it out? Nooooo.

When I rolled the quilt, there was eye-lashing everywhere.

So, I changed the bobbin case and re-calibrated it.

I finished quilting the quilt and went back to unstitch the last bobbin change.

It was easy because the stitching was so loose.

This is how much thread I took out.

I have a wide space to re-quilt.

The holes are still visible in this fabric, so I should be able to recreate what I'd quilted.

I want to take this on the trip so I can bind it.

Hope I can make it happen.

The funny thing is I seem to like these two browns paired with black.

I was doing my yoga class and turned towards my bed, and this is what I saw.

Notice anything similar?

Yep, exactly the same two browns with different black prints.

I must like the combination. LOL

Monday, August 5, 2024

Design Wall Monday 8/4/2024

   Design Wall Monday 

Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

I just hung my third-place quilt on the design wall until I can get it hung in my studio.

This mess is the UFO that I started, and I decided to do something else about it.
I need to get it cut and ready to stitch.

Finished or Not Friday 8/2/2024

 Plan for 8/2/2024

DONE 1. Bind Baby Quilt

2. Finish Test Quilt

3. Cut out another Test Quilt
(I'm taking this one on vacation to cut out)
DONE 4. Prep Hand sewing for Vacation
We will be gone for almost two weeks.
I don't do well with nothing to keep my hands busy, so I have handwork and cutting projects in these two bags.

 Plan for 8/9/2024

1. Finish Test Quilt

2. Quilt Stonehenge

3. Quilt Jacob's Ladder

4. Pack for Vacation

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Stash Report 8/4/2024

     quilt paint create links to all our stash reports. 

I didn't add any stash this week. Woo Hoo!

Used this Week:
8.64 yards

Total Used Year to Date:
Donated fabric
210.55 yards
55.67 yards
Net Stash used in July
Net Stash used in August    
-10.84 yards
0.15 yards

Added this Week:
0.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
147.25 yards

New Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
81.03 yards

Santa Fe Baby Quilt
Christmas Mug Rugs

Prairie Moon is doing a 350-block challenge:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:
Number of UFOs completed
UFO Yardage Used
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:
Number of Bobbins Used this Week:
Number of Bobbins Used this Year:
Number of Spools Used this Week:
Number of Spools Used this Year: