
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Wednesday Progress

Finally got the fabric bin empty and fabric sorted and put away.
Still need to play with the scraps, but they are corralled too. 
Still working on the T-shirt quilt.
I think I have a plan.

Finished the Test quilt.
Now I need to find a backing and quilt it.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


I am making some progress.
this will hang on DD's dorm door for St Patrick's Day.
It is from her Dad's old ties.
I can't say I'm a fan of ties.
I have a big project going and now I'm wondering if someone would like them. LOL 
Loaded the Texas A&M T-shirt quilt.
No, this is not one of mine.
It is for a raffle the Moms are doing.
I have to have it done by tomorrow morning.
It just takes time to go back and quilt in the open areas once I've done a pass.
Used 2 bobbins so far.
I think there are 3 more rows to go.
it feels good to be doing something.

I also did a number of postcards and don't have photos of them.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Stash report

quilt paint create links to all our stash reports
Used this Week:                                             4.27 yards
Used year to Date:                                       79.03 yards
Total out of stash this Month (February        64.60 yards
Added this Week:                                           0.50 yards
Added Year to Date:                                       0.50 yards
Goal:                                                         100.00 yards
Yards to goal:                                               20.97 yards

Net Used in quilts 2018:                               24.28 yards 

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:                  107
Perimeter in inches                               1342

Number of UFOs finished this year:             7
UFO Yardage Used                                23.52 
Amount of yardage used in UFOs              97%

Number of Bobbins Used this week          7

Number of Bobbins Used this year          15
Number of Spools Used this week            1
Number of Spools Used this year             6

Kate at Life in Pieces is doing the challenge of 15 minutes of sewing.

Days of Stitching                                      98%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
Number of Days this month                    54/55

Days Organizing                                       96%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
Number of Days this month                   53/55

I finished another UFO this week.

Motivational Monday

18 -24 February 2018


Found a bag of items that were DD's

2. Keep working on studio
Put away all the pulled fabrics.
I got some put away and then added to it.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge
Continue with the blue fabric drawers.

An extra drawer from organizing the blue fabrics.
That makes me feel good.

5. Quilt QOV #19 & 20

TQPM Test Quilt
Been working on this.
I should have the top done today.

7. Happiness is quilting quilting

25 February - 3 March 2018


2. Keep working on studio
Put away all the pulled fabrics.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge
Continue with the blue fabric drawers.

5. Quilt QOV #19 & 20

TQPM Test Quilt

Design Wall Monday

I'm still working on that T-shirt Quilt
The arrangement of the blocks is stumping me.
I will continue on it because I have others that need to be done too.

I'm linking up to:

Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Friday, February 23, 2018

Happiness is Quilting

I quilted my Happiness is Quilting top.
I have the binding on ready to hand stitch when I'm watching TV in the evenings.
It will be done this month.


This is a blue postcard that is long overdue.
Apparently I mailed one to the wrong person and this is the replacement to the right person. 
Elm Street is having a postcard exchange and these are the two I made.
There were prompts for the type of postcard to do.

Back in business

DH went and picked up the embroidery machine.
They keep saying I hit something with the hoop.
I have no idea how that is happening, or if there is another underlying cause.
It is working, and it worked for 8 months the last time.
The machine is 8 years old, but I would think that it would last longer than that.
I'm back in business.

DH found a plastic place that repaired my table.
You can't even tell that it was broken.
It's not had a crack for a very long time.
Yeah DH, thank you for taking care of me and my hobby.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


2 more QOVs quilted.
I have 3 more here and 3 more coming tonight.
I am out of their batting, so I'll have to wait on that.

Lots of thread breakage, but I'm not sure why.
But, I found out that I might be threading the machine wrong after all these years.
I've re-threaded the machine and we shall see if it makes a difference.

Squares Chasing Squares

This is one of the test quilts for TQPM.
It comes out in next month's magazine.
It went together quickly and I enjoyed this quilt.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Design Wall Monday

I had a rough day yesterday.
i spent all day sleeping and having tummy problems.
I did a little, but not enough to make much progress.
The ties are still waiting for me to make Dresden plates out of them.

T-shirt quilt has one more frame done.
I'm linking to:

Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Monday, February 19, 2018

Motivational Monday

11-17 February 2018


Found more baggies in a bag.
Found lots of receipts that are neatly filed away.

2. Keep working on studio

Put away all the pulled fabrics.
Not done this week.
Been having trouble with breathing, so I had trouble bending over.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

Continuing to work on this.
Trying to figure out the arrangement

4. Organization Challenge

continue with the blue fabric drawers.

Continue working with the purple drawer.
Purple is done and working on the blues again.

5. Quilt Imperfect Squares
Quilted and Bound

6. Work on Alphabet quilt

Top is done
Need the backing found and then quilt it.

7. TQPM Test Quilt
Process is continuing.

8. Continue to work on Test quilt for Tammy

Didn't work on it this week.

9. Make St Patrick's door hanger

Started and embroidery machine died.

10. Quilt QOV #18

18 -24 February 2018


2. Keep working on studio

Put away all the pulled fabrics.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge

Continue with the blue fabric drawers.

5. Quilt QOV #19 & 20

TQPM Test Quilt

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Purple scraps

I finished sorting the purple scrap drawer.
These are the blue scraps I need to sort leftover from January. 

QOV #18

Finished quilting QOV #18 and have #19 out to load.
Need to cut the backing and batting before loading.
I have a QOV meeting on Wednesday and having a few of these done would be a good thing.
So, that is now my focus when I'm not sewing.

Stash Report

quilt paint create links to all our stash reports
Used this Week:                                           60.58 yards
Used year to Date:                                       75.26 yards
Total out of stash this Month (February        60.83 yards
Added this Week:                                           0.00 yards
Added Year to Date:                                       0.00 yards
Goal:                                                         100.00 yards
Yards to goal:                                               24.74 yards

Net Used in quilts 2018:                               20.01 yards 

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:                   87
Perimeter in inches                                922

Number of UFOs finished this year:             6
UFO Yardage Used                                19.36 
Amount of yardage used in UFOs              97%

Number of Bobbins Used this week          2

Number of Bobbins Used this year           7
Number of Spools Used this week            1
Number of Spools Used this year             5

Kate at Life in Pieces is doing the challenge of 15 minutes of sewing.

Days of Stitching                                      98%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
Number of Days this month                    47/48

Days Organizing                                       96%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
Number of Days this month                   46/48

I did finish a quilt this week

I also found a place to share my T-shirt fabrics with.

So, I have these 3 boxes and 2 others fill/packed with T-shirt fabrics I was going to make into picnic quilts, but really didn't want to fuss with.
I probably under counted the yardage, but I was not going to measure it all out before donating it.
I'm just thrilled that I have that much space free behind and under the long arm.
This is a non-profit organization that makes things out of recylced T-shirts.
They helped Equessense out last month.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

40 Days of Decluttering

Today was the first of the 40 days.
I tossed mailing envelopes and basically a shelf full of stuff.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to use that extra space for yet.


Not of the horrible kind, but of the cleaning kind.
I am trying to figure out where to put the essential oils so they are not taking up so much space on my desk.
So, I look down and this cabinet has "stuff" in it.
I wicker basket of lots of quilting things that I use for gifts.
Lots of mailing things that I don't use any more.
Embroidery items.
They make some sense because the embroidery machine is close to this spot.
I emptied it all out - a messy mess. 
Empty cabinet.
Now, how do I figure out what I need to put in there to best utilize the space?

the rest of the room is a mess because the embroidery machine made me move things to allow DH to get it downstairs for me.
It is in the shop and hope to get back in a week or so.

It's hot here today and I need to put the air on because it is 76 in my studio.
Didn't I just have the heat on because it was 30?
I feel discouraged because I had all the embroidery work I wanted to get done this week.
Not going to happen, so now to replan.
I think that means I need to reorganize stuff.

Good thing I have lots of T-shirt fabric to pass on.
I do count it as given away, and just estimate.
Each box is about 10 yards, and one is bigger is 15, because I stuffed it more.
Then I found a laundry basket full of more leftovers.
They are going to C.Hair.i.tees.
It's a non-profit and helped Equessense out.
I'm just thankful that I can donate them and have more space in my space. 
It's a wonderful feeling.

Imperfect Squaresd

This was from last month, but is is quilted and bound.
Ready to donate.

Embroidery Woes

My MB4 Embroidery machine decided to have a problem. :(
I'm so sad. 
I'll take it in today and should have it back in a week or so.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


If you've been following me at all, you know my word for the year is "Order".
There is a 40 days of decluttering challenge starting tomorrow.
thought I'd share a few of the areas I'll be working on.
No, not all sewing, but I'm ready to tackle some things in my home, like Tupperware or those pieces without lids.
I am starting in my kitchen and then moving to the rooms downstairs.
After that, I'll start in the upstairs with my bedroom, closet and bathroom.
Some areas will take more than one day, and that is OK.
I'll be sharing as I go along.
This will work with my decluttering the studio challenge too.
I know I'll have more to do after the 40 days, but that is OK.
One step at a time.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Motivational Monday

4-10 February 2018


First bag was mostly DD's things, with one seam ripper init.
The second was all quilt patterns.
They are now in the pattern drawer, or in sleeve protectors ready to file.

2. Keep working on the studio

Pick a cabinet and clean it out.
I think it is going to be one of the lower cabinets in my area.
I think I have saved too many plastic baggies from finishing UFOs.
This is the link to the post I made. 
But, I found a friend that wanted them, so I shared.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts
Remaining shirts to shadow and arrange.     Center is together!

4. Organization Challenge
Continue with the blue fabric drawers.
Continue working with the purple drawer.

5. Quilt Imperfect Squares
Didn't get it loaded this week.

6. Work on Alphabet quilt
     Put top together.

7. Start on Test quilt
Cut out TQPM test quilt - fiesta colors.

8. Continue to work on Test quilt for Tammy.
Finished one component for the quilt. 

11-17 February 2018

2. Keep working on the studio
Put away all the pulled fabrics.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge
Continue with the blue fabric drawers.
Continue working with the purple drawer.

5. Quilt Imperfect Squares

6. Work on Alphabet quilt
Quilt it

7. TQPM Test quilt

8. Continue to work on Test quilt for Tammy.

9. Make St Patrick's door hanger