
Monday, February 12, 2018

Motivational Monday

4-10 February 2018


First bag was mostly DD's things, with one seam ripper init.
The second was all quilt patterns.
They are now in the pattern drawer, or in sleeve protectors ready to file.

2. Keep working on the studio

Pick a cabinet and clean it out.
I think it is going to be one of the lower cabinets in my area.
I think I have saved too many plastic baggies from finishing UFOs.
This is the link to the post I made. 
But, I found a friend that wanted them, so I shared.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts
Remaining shirts to shadow and arrange.     Center is together!

4. Organization Challenge
Continue with the blue fabric drawers.
Continue working with the purple drawer.

5. Quilt Imperfect Squares
Didn't get it loaded this week.

6. Work on Alphabet quilt
     Put top together.

7. Start on Test quilt
Cut out TQPM test quilt - fiesta colors.

8. Continue to work on Test quilt for Tammy.
Finished one component for the quilt. 

11-17 February 2018

2. Keep working on the studio
Put away all the pulled fabrics.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge
Continue with the blue fabric drawers.
Continue working with the purple drawer.

5. Quilt Imperfect Squares

6. Work on Alphabet quilt
Quilt it

7. TQPM Test quilt

8. Continue to work on Test quilt for Tammy.

9. Make St Patrick's door hanger

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