
Tuesday, February 13, 2018


If you've been following me at all, you know my word for the year is "Order".
There is a 40 days of decluttering challenge starting tomorrow.
thought I'd share a few of the areas I'll be working on.
No, not all sewing, but I'm ready to tackle some things in my home, like Tupperware or those pieces without lids.
I am starting in my kitchen and then moving to the rooms downstairs.
After that, I'll start in the upstairs with my bedroom, closet and bathroom.
Some areas will take more than one day, and that is OK.
I'll be sharing as I go along.
This will work with my decluttering the studio challenge too.
I know I'll have more to do after the 40 days, but that is OK.
One step at a time.

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