
Monday, February 19, 2018

Motivational Monday

11-17 February 2018


Found more baggies in a bag.
Found lots of receipts that are neatly filed away.

2. Keep working on studio

Put away all the pulled fabrics.
Not done this week.
Been having trouble with breathing, so I had trouble bending over.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

Continuing to work on this.
Trying to figure out the arrangement

4. Organization Challenge

continue with the blue fabric drawers.

Continue working with the purple drawer.
Purple is done and working on the blues again.

5. Quilt Imperfect Squares
Quilted and Bound

6. Work on Alphabet quilt

Top is done
Need the backing found and then quilt it.

7. TQPM Test Quilt
Process is continuing.

8. Continue to work on Test quilt for Tammy

Didn't work on it this week.

9. Make St Patrick's door hanger

Started and embroidery machine died.

10. Quilt QOV #18

18 -24 February 2018


2. Keep working on studio

Put away all the pulled fabrics.

3. Continue shadowing for T-shirts

4. Organization Challenge

Continue with the blue fabric drawers.

5. Quilt QOV #19 & 20

TQPM Test Quilt

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful things going on at your house, both in quilting and in organization. I'm impressed.
