
Sunday, February 18, 2018

Stash Report

quilt paint create links to all our stash reports
Used this Week:                                           60.58 yards
Used year to Date:                                       75.26 yards
Total out of stash this Month (February        60.83 yards
Added this Week:                                           0.00 yards
Added Year to Date:                                       0.00 yards
Goal:                                                         100.00 yards
Yards to goal:                                               24.74 yards

Net Used in quilts 2018:                               20.01 yards 

A couple of other fun facts are:

Prairie Moon is doing a 350 blocks challenge this year:
Number of equivalent blocks:                   87
Perimeter in inches                                922

Number of UFOs finished this year:             6
UFO Yardage Used                                19.36 
Amount of yardage used in UFOs              97%

Number of Bobbins Used this week          2

Number of Bobbins Used this year           7
Number of Spools Used this week            1
Number of Spools Used this year             5

Kate at Life in Pieces is doing the challenge of 15 minutes of sewing.

Days of Stitching                                      98%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
Number of Days this month                    47/48

Days Organizing                                       96%
Number of Days this week                       7/7
Number of Days this month                   46/48

I did finish a quilt this week

I also found a place to share my T-shirt fabrics with.

So, I have these 3 boxes and 2 others fill/packed with T-shirt fabrics I was going to make into picnic quilts, but really didn't want to fuss with.
I probably under counted the yardage, but I was not going to measure it all out before donating it.
I'm just thrilled that I have that much space free behind and under the long arm.
This is a non-profit organization that makes things out of recylced T-shirts.
They helped Equessense out last month.


  1. That's great that you found a place to recycle your unwanted fabric. Sure helps the out numbers.

  2. Great stash and stitching numbers this week! Congrats on finding a good home for some of your stash. Now you have room to collect more!

  3. I've never heard of C.Hair.i.Tee, but it looks like a neat way to recycle t-shirts! It always feels better to find a good home for things like that :)

  4. Since I love numbers and math, I always enjoy reading your stash report! Congratulations getting the t-shirt fabric into a good home!
