
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

A Sewing Day & Other days

 I had some phone calls to make.

I had some projects I had to work on for the next step.

I wanted to sew.

One of the organization challenges has us cleaning out a closet or cabinet.
You can see my post about it here.
I picked the cabinet under my cutting table.
I knew what was under there, but I didn't know.
I found some items I was going to embroider, but haven't in years.

These towels will never get embellished by me.
So, they are being given to my son and DIL because they wanted them.

The other side has all my bonus HST sorted by size.
I have a full bin to trim and add to these bins.
I do make quilts from them, so they are staying.
The top shelf has crazy things.
I have the stuffing for pincushions and snippets for different embellishment projects.
Purse-making supplies, which I'm not sure I will ever use, but couldn't part with at this time.
I have those hand lap quilt frames for when I decide to try that again.
I tossed things I'll not use for stuffing anymore.
I combined like items.

Previously this past week, I quilted another charity quilt.
One more to go.

Then, I was organizing and cleaning the extra bedroom.
I found two trunks I forgot were in there.
They were buried under other containers and "stuff."
When I opened the first trunk, what do I find?
Fabric, of course.
This fabric is novelty and clothes making fabric.
I'll not use them, so they are being donated.
I think the novelty fabric will end up with the Senior Center that is beginning its Beginner Sewing Program.
I'll be helping teach seniors to sew.
The rest of it will go with my friend, Tammy, to her church quilters.

I did sew some, well a lot for me.
I finished testing a table runner, which I can't show a photo to you.
I finished this UFO.
This is from the 2006 timeframe.
It was paper pieced and went together well.
I should make it into a quilt, but I don't want to.
I have other projects I want to finish that I like more than this one for the amount of time it takes to make one block.

So, I will make this into a pillow for our couch and call it done.

During the time I was working on the other projects, I was working on the Log Cabin blocks
I'm missing a 1' x 3.25" piece of the second round.
So, I'm working on the rest of the blocks (7 of them) and will hope to find that small piece.

I felt productive yesterday, and hope it continues for me.

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