
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Design Wall Monday

  Small Quilts and Doll Quilts Design Wall Monday and Monday Making. 

 My design walls have not changed since early December. 😟
I've had motivation problems.
I've had health issues for me and the family.
I have not done much finishing, but have finished cutting some things I needed to sew.
Yesterday, I finished two small tops.
They need quilting, so they are not finished.
Maybe that is motivating me and helping me get these finished.
I am ready for them to be off the design walls.
The T-shirt is still being stabilized.
I need to make a point of a day to stabilize as much as I can.
There are lots more shirts to stabilize and trim.
It will be a large quilt.

These are the log cabins from my Progressive class in Biloxi, MS with Charlotte Angotti, Kimberly Einmo, and Karen Stone.
These are the blocks from Karen Stone, and I don't think I have many left.
Then becomes the design to put all three blocks together.
I have half of the log cabins in process of completion. 
But, I need one piece of fabric for the final log cabin on this set.
I've asked a friend if they have a 1 x 3.5" piece of fabric they would share.
If not, I'll have to see if I can find any in the store.

As you see, there are still baby clothing blocks hanging on the wall.
Those will be my leader ender project until I sew what I have stabilized and cut.

So, I am sewing, I'm just not completing. 
I am working to do better.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is hard to see progress. But keep blogging, we can see the progress. One of these days you will suddenly see you are almost finished! Hugs, Judy.
