
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

July To do list updated


DONE 1. Finish my red and black table cloth

2. Make pink quilt top

DONE 3. 30's Circular Bullseye UFO quilt (Started, but not yet quilted)

DONE 4a. Ann's Mystery -- top put together

4b. Ann's Mystery -- border

4c. Ann's Mystery -- quilted

5a. Sampler Society BOM caught up - 1 block

5b. Sampler Society BOM caught up - made into quilt

DONE 6a. G blocks made -- mine

DONE 6b. G blocks made -- Lynne's

7. Cut all double wedding ring pieces and start sewing together arcs

8. Baby clothing quilt cut

9. Twister pillow

10. Sewing room valances

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