
Friday, July 12, 2013


Have you ever bought a kit and waited to make it?

I wish I would never think that buying a kit is a good idea.  :(

I have a kit that I now know why it is another UFO.  I started it, got some of the pieces cut, and now I am trying to figure out where 2 pieces of fabric are.  AND I don't have a good photo of the finished piece.  I was going to do this one with applique, but I don't see the applique pattern.

So, do I abandon the pattern and make the piece truly my own?  I'm thinking this is a real pain in the you know where.

This is another UFO that is on the list that I gave Liz.  I wanted it to change out pieces in my kitchen. 

Does anyone have a photo of the Blank Fabric Coffee Shop?  I think I can add the fabrics I need and all will be well, but I truly need to know what the finished item looks like.

Remind me to NOT buy any more kits and if I do, start them right away.  The shop that I got this from has since gone out of business.  :(


  1. How about if we REMIND each other "NO MORE KITS" every month? 8)

    I've had the same problem with a kit. I started rummaging through my stash and found a piece that will go well with the rest of the fabric. OR if all else fails, use a solid color. Just a thought!

    Good Luck and keep me posted. 8)

  2. el found this Photo no line not sure if it is what you are looking for or not;
    Carol Morgan in Delaware
