
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Red & black done

It is done.  I can't say I like it, but it is complete and another UFO finished.  This the Liz UFO #2 on my listing. 

I like the back better, and I dn't like the solid backings.  LOL

Glad it is done.  I'm not sure which one of the UFOs I'll tackle, because Liz ended up picking the same number as last time.  Those auto number generators are interesting to say the least.


  1. I like it. Of course, I'd really like to see a full picture of the front of the quilt! But red is my favorite color and I love it with black. I wish I had the time right now to pull out my red, black and white log cabin I've shunted off to the side so I can work on other things. Sigh. You are doing a great job on finishing ufos

  2. The top photo is a full picture of the front of the quilt. It's a small quilt because I didn't feel like adding to one I didn't care for.
