
Friday, August 9, 2024

What a day

 This quilt does not want to be quilted.

First, it was loaded before the quilts show.

I wanted to quilt it but had no energy after the show.

Then, when I did start, my thread kept breaking.

Why? Who knows.

I changed to a different needle brand, and the breaking thread stopped.

Then, after that, it was quilting fine until a bobbin change.

The machine felt heavy, and that's the only way to describe it.

Did I stop and check it out? Nooooo.

When I rolled the quilt, there was eye-lashing everywhere.

So, I changed the bobbin case and re-calibrated it.

I finished quilting the quilt and went back to unstitch the last bobbin change.

It was easy because the stitching was so loose.

This is how much thread I took out.

I have a wide space to re-quilt.

The holes are still visible in this fabric, so I should be able to recreate what I'd quilted.

I want to take this on the trip so I can bind it.

Hope I can make it happen.

The funny thing is I seem to like these two browns paired with black.

I was doing my yoga class and turned towards my bed, and this is what I saw.

Notice anything similar?

Yep, exactly the same two browns with different black prints.

I must like the combination. LOL

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