
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Trying again

 The last time I started to restart writing on my blog was a month ago. 😔

Well, that didn't work out very well.

Life has been a roller coaster for a few months, maybe a year now.

But, the family went on vacation to Coushatta Casino in Louisiana.

DH loves to gamble and talk to people to discover their stories.

I love to set up my sewing in the room.

DD went with us and had online summer school to complete.

DD and I went swimming every day and enjoyed our time together.

I finished three quilt tops for Uvalde.
They are all quilted and delivered to the people collecting them.

I also put together a baby top for a baby boy.

Next was a baby quilt for DD's co-worker.
These pieces were leftover from another Zoo panel by Eric Carle.
I was very happy to get five quilt tops made.
I'm even happier that they are all five quilted and bound.
Some are delivered and others will wait for another need.

When we got home, I had a test quilt to finish.
I can't show a photo of it, but it is wonderful.

Another test quilt needed quilting, and it is done and bound.
DD absconded with it, so it has a home.
I love that quilt too, but can't show a photo as of yet.

I will work through going back and showing anything I've finished since the last real bout of blogging.

I will also do my best to continue it like I used to.

Wish me luck.

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