
Wednesday, May 11, 2022

A Day of Sewing

I haven't had a good day of sewing in a while.
Between medical and life, I just barely get to sew.

I took a class to make a cover for my long arm. 
I bought pre-quilted fabric because I was not sure I'd get it quilted, but they didn't have enough of one color.
So, I bought two colors and I'm glad I did.
I ended up getting the long arm cover out of the 3.36 yards of fabric.
Here it is over two chairs in class and then on my machine.
I completed it before noon and the class went to 3:00, so I decided to make one for the embroidery machine.
I used the other 2.5 yards of fabric for my embroidery cover.
I did have to piece the back, but it is still great.
This is my embroidery cover.
I might need to adjust the bottom in the front of the machine because it is shorter.

Today I had nothing planned.
DD needs a baby quilt for a co-worker and I had this panel and the stars from another Eric Carle quilt.
So, off I went to put this together with what I had on hand.
I have it trimmed and ready to be bound.
We have doctor's appointments tomorrow, so who knows, maybe I'll even finish the binding.

It felt good to sew.



  1. Congratulations! You got a lot done. Baby quilt is darling. I know how it is when other things seem to take over your sewing time. Lord willing, I will be getting more sewing done in the near future.

  2. great job ! love the fabrics and I am sure you will get years of use out of these
