
Saturday, January 1, 2022

Studio update

  The first photo is of what I started with in the studio.

The second one is from last week.
The third will be the current photo.
It isn't showing much damage.
This is how I finished out 2021
I'm happy with the results.

Do you see the light in the corner?
Check out H&H Workshop in Texas for some fabulous products.


My window seat has something that needs to be mailed, but otherwise, it is good.

My sewing machine area is a bit cluttered, but I'm not sure what I can do about it.
I keep it clean, but it is cluttered.
I still have bags of filing to do, but it will get done.

The catchall basket needs to be emptied.
I have things to put away in that one container, but I'm thrilled with the area.
The T-shirt extras are waiting to see if I need them to finish the T-shirt Quilt.
The box is a maybe for a gift for a friend.
I'm still debating about it.
The top is still a bit of a mess, but I know what is in all the drawers and am happy with it.

I have items that need to be worked on sitting to the left.
I have my only quilt that needs quilting.
There are a few from other places I need to quilt.
They will all get done as I can.

The pressing table is OK.
The storage under it won't get any better until some of the items are completed.
It's OK the way it is for now.


I can't show the area because of a test quilt.
Much of the batting is used.
The remaining pieces are for smaller projects.
They are where I go first to finish small projects.


Oops, the batting rolled off the pile.
The bag is full of coins.
I hate that I have to pay to have them counted.
That's an easy fix.

It's still about the same.
If anyone has ideas of how to corral bags and totes, please let me know.

Thanks for helping me stay accountable.  
this will be the last post about my studio "mess"
IF I can stay on top of it, all will be well.
Happy New Year.

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