
Friday, December 31, 2021

Prairie Moon Final Countdown

 Final Countdown

Task One

Deal with the paper clutter

I can't say I've made lots of progress on this one yet.

I need to get my box for 2020 out and add in the files.

That might motivate me to get something done.

Task Two

Pick 3 easy tasks that need doing

My three tasks are:
Done 1. Trim Kolache Quilt
Done 2. Add Binding to Kolache
Done 3. Put Away Christmas Wrapping Paper

My studio is looking better.

Task Three

Organize one area of your sewing space

My one space right now would be the pressing table. 
For some reason wrapping paper messed up the entire space.
I also need to organize the bags on the long arm so I can quilt the one quilt of my own that still needs quilting.
I picked an easy one

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