
Sunday, August 15, 2021


 It's been a difficult week.

I've had some in-person doctor appointments with not so good news.

I need to lose some weight to get some health conditions under control.

I can't exercise because I have trouble breathing when I do.

I have an oxygen tank to push around, so going many places is difficult.

I'm waiting on some information from pulmonary to see if they will prescribe a portable oxygen machine.

If I had that, maybe I could increase my strength and help myself.

My son is getting married and the wedding is on the 28th.

We went shopping and found his wedding attire.
It was great to be included.
I was exhausted when we got home,
We tried to find me something to wear, but...nothing worked.
My son and soon-to-be DIL.

In this post, I show what my kiddos put together for me yesterday.
I still have work to do in the studio, but it is a start.
Things are out of control in my room.
I'm going bare my soul to you and then hope to get some progress made.
If I put it out here, then there are others I'll be accountable to.
When I bring items up from downstairs, they are staged at the top of my stairs.
My daughter cleaned out her room at the apartment and some of the items I knew I would use, so they came home with me.
They are in these bags.
My corner cabinet is ALWAYS a mess.
I'm not sure why, but it is.
I have birthday presents to wrap on the window seat.
The blue bin is rulers and books I am wanting to use.
I need to find a better home for all of them.
The right-hand corner of the photo is my string bin and sewing table.
This will be cleaned off when I get the quilt on the design wall finished.
My sewing table.
My embroidery machine is covered with a top, but I'd like to get something nicer over it.
I will keep an eye out for one of my UFOs to make a proper cover for my machine.
The area with my thread and embroidery machine is OK.
There is lots of thread, but that is to be expected.
The sewing machine area looks cluttered, but most of the things on this table are being used for current projects.
My chair has a box I brought up last night, so I just put it away.
The container in the corner is filing. :(
I need to file 15 minutes a day and see how far along I get.
The bag on the rocking chair holds the UFO of crumb totes.
I still need to make more totes.
The flowered bag needs me to find homes for what is in it.
Ok, I decided while I was writing this that I would just go through it and put things away.
I have one item I know I had an idea I thought I would use it for, but can't remember.
Everything else is in their new homes.
The vacuum will go back to its place after the floor is done.
The two bins at the cutting table are for small trim offs and fabric which needs to be put away.
I have lots in that bin to put away.
The turquoise bag is now with the other bags.
These bins on the right hold clothing.
The top two are the baby clothing for the two twin baby clothing quilts I made years ago.
I have squares already cut and I want to make the Mom of the twins a quilt.
It hasn't been asked for, but I think it might be fun to give to her.
I'm sure she will appreciate it more than the twins did. :)
The bottom bin has my parent's clothing.
I want a memory quilt from their clothing, so it will stay a while.
The items to the left of the bin are UFOs and are organized.
Would I like to have fewer items in the drawers? Sure, but I know what is in each drawer, so that is OK.
I do need to go through the things on top of the bin.
I have some repair work to do on items and they are hiding on the lid.
In front of my design wall is all the batting I was using for the coasters.
I don't need it now, because I cut what I need.
I'm sure I'll be making more coasters, so I will use it.
I do need to figure out a way to store pieces of batting to use for smaller projects.
I have a bag (the pink one) ready to go if my husband decides to go on a mini-vacation to a casino.
I have projects in it I can work on easily in a hotel room.
It needs a home out of sight.
The bag to the left is for the children's quilts for the NBAQG.
I've not been on the long arm since April, so they are waiting patiently.
When I'm back to quilting, I can finish them and turn them in.
I have a bag to the left of that for our Grange sewing times where we get to work on our own items, otherwise, we work on QOV stuff.
Everything else seems to be organized.
There is too much stuff, but I will work through things and I know where everything is located.
Next up is my pressing table.
I have a few things left from yesterday which need to be put away.
I'd like to clear the left side, but I am using them in projects, so it makes sense to leave them there.
Under my long arm is full.
All the black and white fabric scraps are in these two bins.
I store the folding crates under it and some UFOs.
The purple container on the end holds ties.
I want to make a tie quilt or wall hanging or something.
The drawers on the left hold wreath-making items.
I plan on going through them and deciding if I am really going to make these wreaths and whether to let the items go.
My soon-to-be new DIL is crafty, so she might like to create with those items.
So, yes, it is full, but I don't mind it.
I know what is there and I'm happy.
The stuff on the loaded quilt needs new homes.
I think it arrived there yesterday when all the reorganization happened.
I did put them away while writing this.
I also need to get that quilt quilted.
There are things behind the long arm which need homes too.
Behind my cutting table.
I store bolts of fabric here, but I forget they are there.
I need to figure out a better place to locate them or remember they are there.
This area holds batting remnants and is a mess.
I need to determine a better way to organize this.
Maybe I should make Frankenbatts one day and then I'd have the larger pieces ready for quilts.
I keep bolts of interfacing and specialty fusibles in the laundry basket.
It looks like I should make sure everything is in its place and straighten up the basket.
Some of those items on the floor need homes.
The wooden shelf needs purging to make them fit.
Behind the long arm is always a challenge.
I have lots of bags and no other place to store them. 
I would prefer to have a space out of view, but you work with what you have.
I've stopped buying bags once a friend stopped her thirty-one business.
This area needs to be organized before I quilt the quilt.
This may take time.

OK, that is my mess.
I take ownership of it.
Now to figure out how to still do some quilting and get it cleaned up.
I'm very slow now, so it will take time.

I am not neat when I sew.
I've let things get out of control while I've been ill.

I can do this!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you’re able to resolve your health issues soon.
