
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Stash Report #8

           quilt paint create links to all our stash reports.

Used this Week:
0.28 yards

Used year to Date:
27.93 yards
Net Stash used in February
1.62 yards

Added this Week:
0.00 yards

Added Year to Date:
9.08 yards

New Goal:
200.00 yards

Yards to the goal:
181.15 yards

Net Used in 2021:
18.85 yards
What bust of the week.
This is what we were dealing with.

It doesn't look like much, but it is the first day.
I didn't go out and take any other photos after this.
I hibernated.
DD enjoyed the snow, at least the first day.
She got to make her first snow angel and slide down the hill.
I'm glad she was able to have fun.

A couple of other fun facts are:
Prairie Moon is doing a 350 block challenge:

Total Number of equivalent blocks:
Perimeter in inches:
Number of UFOs finished this year:
UFO Yardage Used:
Percentage of yardage used in UFOs:

Number of Bobbins Used this week:
Number of Bobbins Used this year:
Number of Spools Used this week:
Number of Spools Used this year:

A microwave baked potato bag.

Two mug rugs from orphan blocks.

Kate at Life in Pieces is doing the challenge of 15 minutes of sewing.

Days of Stitching 2021:
Number of Days this week:
Number of Days this year:

Days Organizing 2021:
Number of Days this week:
Number of Days this year:


With all the power outages, my sewing was very limited.
I did lots of sorting when the power was out, so I made more progress there.

Quilting is more fun than Housework has us working on scraps.

The mug rugs were from the scrap drawers too. 

It was a challenging week.
I didn't get to go on my personal retreat and thought I would be able to get things done here.
Not the case.
I had other household things to take care of and my retreat was a bust.

Hopefully, next week is better.


  1. This has definitely been a week for the record books. I hibernated too.

  2. A microwave baked potato bag is new for me, I have never heard about one before. as a baked potato fan I am very intereisting to know how it works.
    Keep safe and warm Mel.

  3. Glad that you have power back and hopefully most of the snow and ice is gone too. Sounds like you made the most of the time and did what you could on the organization front. It all counts. Hopefully this week will be much less eventful.

  4. For those who enjoy snow, they are welcome to my share. =) I'm glad you have power and can stay warm.
