
Monday, February 15, 2021

Monday Design Wall

      I'm linking to

My design wall changed a little.
I have a couple of pieces in the works to make into a pillow and a pincushion.

MY main design wall has some orphan blocks on it.
One of the challenges for the New Braunfels Area Quilt Guild is to find your orphan blocks and do something with them.
All the crates and stuff are for the retreat in March.
I'll be happy to see all that stuff gone.

The paper in the middle is a paper pieced tree that is a UFO.
I have to say, getting the Tree (green) UFO into a usable position was difficult.
Pieces had been cut wrong.
I kept getting confused about the sizes of the pieces, etc.
But, it is all cut out and I hope it is going to go together easier than it cut out.

The Blue quilt is the BOW we did at the Hill Country Mod Quilt Guild last year.
I am making it for a wedding gift.
I have sewn the first half of it together. 
If our brownouts don't get me, I'll be sewing today.
It snowed a lot for Texas last night
DD out in the snow.
She is having fun.
At least she bundled up and didn't drive anywhere.
This morning the sun is shining and all is white.
Some have lost power and some are without water.
Texas is not set up for this white stuff. 


  1. Love your blue blocks and the quilt it is destined to be! Good Luck with the snow!! I lived in Texas for 3 years and we would hunker down for as long as the temps were below 32! You are so right-Texas struggles handling the winter snow and ice!!!

  2. I love all your design wall space! sorry you have to deal with blocks or pieces that weren't done right. That is challenging, but I bet you are up to it. The blue quilt is very pretty.

    You are sure right, we Texans aren't used to this kind of weather. We're still waiting for water and have isolated ourselves to a bedroom with a space heater to keep warm. I haven't ventured outside.

  3. Lots of color and pattern to brighten a stay-in day. Someday I might have a design wall, sigh.

  4. Love your blue blocks on your design wall, so pretty! And oh, snow... I love snow... but I can understand it isn't so fun when you aren't prepared... stay warm and safe!! xx
