
Friday, August 2, 2019


Interwoven is quilted
It is too big to get a photo of it.
As it turns out, the hole in the fabric backing is on the quilt.
I will be needing to do a fix to that. 
I'll need to had repair it.
Binding is sewn on one side waiting for the trip for me to stitch is down.
I should be able to finish it on this trip. 
Ann's 2009 NYE Mystery is quilted.
I need to trim and apply the binding that is already made.
I'll take it along, but I'm not sure it will be finished because of how big Interwoven is.

This is the status of my August commitments.
So many things to be done in August.

1. Quilt previous test quilt and get it ready to take on the trip a week from Sunday to bind in the car. 
(ready for the trip)

2. Test quilt to be done by the 10th 
(finished the top, so I'm OK. I don't have to have it quilted)

3. Food embroidery should be done mid August. 
(I'm taking on the trip and don't see a problem with getting it done)

4. Baby Clothing quilt done by mid August.
(This one is the kicker because of how time consuming it is)

5. 2 Clemens T-shirt quilts to be done by mid August
(One is stabilized, cut out and sashing and border cut.)
First one is no problem to finish)

6. 2009 NYE Mystery to be done by end of August.
(It is quilted and ready for the car.)

Overall, I think I'm making good progress and should be OK.

It's late, so I'm calling it a night.

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