
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Small Quilt Group

It has been a busy week, but I did get to sew every day.
I couldn't decide what I wanted to take with me to my small group tomorrow.
I didn't want to take everything down on the design walls, so I picked Monkey 'N Round and it had a couple of patterns in there.
I think this UFO will make more than one quilt.
I also took the block B of Pixie Garden with me to frame.
I still have one of the blocks to applique, but that will probably wait until next week while waiting for doctors.
But, I can get the other blocks framed and be ready to frame that one when done.
The Equessense T-shirt quilt is ready to frame and get into a top.
I will be using that brown to frame the smaller pieces and then think I have enough for the border too.
It will be a simple T-shirt quilt because so many of the shirts were the same.
i did have a couple of orphan horse embroidery, so I'll fill in with that.
I didn't want to take it with me, because this will be a great leader/ender for when I'm working on other things.

Bread and butter just needs a backing and then I'll be able to get it quilted on the DSM.

I'm making progress on the UFOs for this month.
I won't get them all completed, but progress will be made.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you picked the right projects to take along to your small group. I'm predicting you'll get a lot done! Thanks for linking to Wednesday Wait Loss.
