
Friday, January 11, 2019


During Small Group today, Judy brought show and tell.
My oh my, look at all these wonderful quilts
Then, we had a nice new person, come to visit us.
Debbie is on the Stashbusters yahoo group with me and we met at the New Braunfels Area Quilt Guild.
She recognized my name and introduced herself.
She joined us today and fit right in.
Her show and tell was wonderful.  
After lunch we went to the new shop Cactus Queen Quilt Shop in McQueeny, TX
We were close enough to Judy's River House and went to see it.
What a cute place.  
I was working on a UFO Monkey 'N Round.
I had a full jelly roll that needed to be used, and Lana saved me and bought it from me!
When I get this one put together, it will be only one UFO from the bag. Yea!!!
Thank you, Lana. 
My leader/ender was the Block B for Pixie Garden.
I got 2 of them done today. 
Lana was working on some pillow shams for a daughter. 
When I came home, I put the banana border on the Monkey 'N Round quilt.
Now to get the backing together and get this one quilted. 
This is to show how the pixie garden looks with the Block A & B together.
I still need to applique the one block and finish the blocks on 3 others.
But, I'm making progress.

1 comment:

  1. You hang out with some talented quilters. Hope you were able to get in lots of stitching time.
