
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Motivational Monday

10 - 16 December 2018

Your way postcards (4)

the ones I did were more paper than anything.

3. Organizational Challenge 
Filing paper, fabric, patterns
Funny that I didn't do much of this.

4. Work on baby clothing quilt
Only a tiny bit of this was worked on.

5. 3 table runners

6. Christmas ornaments (Trees)
Decided against this one for this year.
 7. Scandinavian Star ornaments (9)

9. Quiltville Clue #3 
the stars took up too much of my time.

10. Christmas coasters/gifts

11. Project Bag
12. Test table runner
13. Work on Dragon Fly Baby Quilt
Decided I dind't like the layout, so it is changed.
Now I need to find the other block for the open spaces.

17-23 December 2018

1.  Your way postcards (1)


3. Organizational Challenge 
Filing paper, fabric, patterns

4. Work on baby clothing quilt

5. 3 table runners

6. Quiltville Clue #3 & 4

7. Work on Dragon Fly Baby Quilt

Lanyard for DD & DS

10. Test table runner

11. Project Bag

12. Quilt Tammy's baby quilt

13. Make a star for Bread and Butter

14. Take down what is not going on the improv quilt

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