
Thursday, December 20, 2018

Last of the gifts

Last of the gifts that I'm taking to the PT group.
One of the ladies has a "bonus" daughter and I did a bag with some fun things in it.
In here are lanyards with buckles and some without.
There are chap-stick holders
There are some wristlets too
Then, the Kleenex holders that were leftover.
I think there are 5 stars ornaments leftover too.

I'm done making these types of gifts.
I have a couple of table runners to get made.
I also have some gifts to finish wrapping.
Oh, I also have a small quilt to quilt.

Guess I'd better get busy here.

Since I made it to my 300 yards of fabric used, I've been working on the organization more than the sewing.
I'm trying to make sure I start the new year off organized and cleaned up.
That doesn't mean it will stay that way, but it is nice to start off fresh.

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