
Saturday, July 21, 2018

12 Days of Christmas

It's the eighth day of the Christmas in July Hop.
Today is my day!

 This is my second year participating in the Hop.Sarah over at Confessions of a Fabric Addict is hosting the 12 Days of Christmas in July blog hop, and once again I'm pleased to participate.
There have been so many wonderful posts and give aways.

I will have one for you at the end of the post.

Here is my collection of pincushions. 
I swapped for a number of years and have some fun ones on display.

Then, I have many that I use.



I like to hang a chicken on the design wall.

I have a few favorites, one being pincushions made from small Half Square Triangles (HST). They are made from pieces that I don't really use in quilts, but for a pincushion you can have a little fun. You can use this method with any pattern and any size.

To begin with, you need some bonus HSTs. This is my box of the smaller ones. They finish at 1 inch.

It was hard to get a photo of the HST in a pinwheel pattern. Arrange them the way you wish and then sew them together. This is the webbing method by Bonnie Hunter. I use it whenever I have a block or quilt that I can easily turn the pieces.

The finished little pinwheel is here. 

Next is to border the center. I'm using a fairly large piece, because I only want one border on my pincushion. You could add as many as you wish.

Add the all the way around and trim to size. I trimmed mine to 4.5".

Your pincushion top is finished.

Get a piece for the backing, whether you need to piece it or have one large enough, it does not matter.
You will end up slip stitching the opening closed after "birthing" the pincushion.
I had to piece my backing, so I'm leaving the opening at the seam line.
Press the seam open for this part. 

Layer top to back.
If you decide you want to quilt you front, do that before this step. 

Sew all the way around if you have the opening in the back. If not, then leave an opening for turning. 

Trim to fit front and back. 

Now to turn. Pull through the opening (mine was in the back) 

When I did it, the corners would not come to a point. No, I don't want to leave them that way. 

I use a bamboo skewer or a chop stick for this process. I use the blunt end to pock the corners out. If you use the sharp end, do not use much pressure or you will find you have a hole. 

You have a real square at this point. 

The next step is stuffing.

You can stuff a pincushion with lots of different things. 
They sell crushed walnut shells in the quilt shops.

 I've seen hair used to allow for the natural oils to keep your pins and needles smooth.

 I've seen steel wool used to keep the pins and needles sharp. 


I've had a friend us a soap bar inside to keep things smooth. 


If you want it to sit flat, you can add beans or rice or flax seed to the bottom of the pincushion. 
A WORD OF WARNING: if you are using any food-stuff, be sure to microwave it at least three minutes to kill any parasites, or you might find your pincushion crawling with little wormies. 
You can use silica or sawdust that one can purchase in the floral department of the craft stores. 


Check out this ehow site for ideas for stuffing pincushions.  They use Herbal Pincushion, Stuffing, Steel Wool Pincushion Stuffing, Sand Stuffing for a Pincushion, Combination Stuffings.

Because I can't find my walnut shells, I'll be just using batting to stuff it.
It takes more than you think. I start out will a small strip that I don't have a plan for and cut it in smaller pieces with my rotary cutter.

Start stuffing. The bamboo skewer works for this too.
You really need to stuff it with more stuffing than you thing, no matter what you are using. 
You will probably need another strip. :)

It looks like it is stuffed enough, but it isn't. 

After 3 of those strips, it is stuffed enough.
Make sure to get into the corners so they are full.
It is hard to move it around once it is closed.
Check to see if a pin comes out the back.
If it does, then you probably want to add in cardboard or plastic to the backside.
This one is thick enough not to need that. 

Sew up the backside with a ladder stitch.
BagNTell has some great tutorials.

If you have a orphan block, you can use it to make several pincushions or use it to make a long one.
Sew together on 2 sides and leave an opening on the third.

Trim the corners so they turn easier. 

Turn inside out.

This one had the design in the center of the block, so I had to shape it into points. 

Fold the points together and sew in a straight line or two to secure the points.
I also stitched very close to the edge of the points. 

Stuff like before.
You want to make sure you leave enough space so you can sew it.
It still needs to be stuffed full. 

I had lots of stuffing in there.
Make sure none is in the point area. 

Sew across the bottom of the point area.  

Sewn pincushion.
This did not need something to keep the pins from sticking through either. 

The finished pincushions

I thought I'd share a few links to sites I've found that have fun pincushions on them.

Swoodson says has some lovely tutorials on making pincushions I love the little bitty string blocks pincushion. What is your favorite?

U-Create Crafts has an adorable cactus pincushion. I don't normally spend that amount of time make my pincushions, but this is adorable.

All Free Sewing has a fun porcupine pincushion

Jacquelynne Steves has a cute bee pattern on her site.

If you've read this far, please leave a comment and be entered into a drawing for a fun pincushion! Please make sure your email is not a no comment email so I can reach you. I will be picking on the 26th, the last day of the event.
Saturday, July 14th

Sunday, July 15th

Monday, July 16th
Jamie @ L'Fair Quilts
Karen @ Tu-Na Quilts, Travels & Eats
Sarah @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict

Tuesday, July 17th
Sharon @ Vrooman's Quilts

Wednesday, July 18th

Thursday, July 19th

Friday, July 20th

Saturday, July 21st

Marian @ Seams To Be Sew

Sunday, July 22nd

Anja @ Anja Quilts

Monday, July 23rd

Brenda @ Songbird Designs

Tuesday, July 24th

Wednesday, July 25th

Brandy @ Pampered Pettit


  1. Great pincushions! My collection consists of one a chick.

  2. I have several pincushions, too. Our local longarm group made hundreds of them for symposium a couple of years ago. Great idea for using orphan blocks. Thanks for being part of the hop.

  3. I have yet to make a single pin cushion. I know what to use my little scraps for now. Thanks for the inspiration.

  4. I love pincushions and have made many of them - probably too many! Thanks for your hints especially the stuffing hints.

  5. I love pincushions too, though there are only a few around here, including three of the old-fashioned tomato cushions with the emery strawberry attached, and two handmade ones that were gifts a few years ago.

  6. Cute pincushions. I seem to lose them.

  7. I love pincushions and have found that I am always needing more one!! Thanks for sharing your tips on stuffing. Some of the stuffing is new to me!!

  8. Thanks for the tutorial. I love it when you can make something from odd bits. Sew cute!

  9. Love this project! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I absolutely adore that porcupine/hedgehog pin cushion. That one has to be on my list of projects to make for sure! Thanks for sharing with us today!

  11. I love pincushions. There are so many cute ones.

  12. Thanks so much for sharing all of those lovely pin cushions. I didn't know about half of the ways you pointed out for stuffing. Need to look into them. Appreciate the links and the chance to add one of your cushions to my collection.

  13. Thanks for the pincushion tutorial. I never heard of a lot of the stuffings. Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. what fun ideas. thanks for the reminder about the little wormies. lol. thank you for sharing today. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  15. The hedgehog/porcupine pincushion is my favourite! I didn’t know some of the items used to stuff them with! Thanks for sharing!

  16. Pincushions are great ideas!! Thanks for sharing with us! Great information about stuffing materials! Fun to make something from little pieces that gets done quickly!

  17. Great tutorial, Mel, and really good ideas for stuffings. I really like crushed walnut shells, but I buy mine at the pet store, where it is marketed as lizard litter (for a substantially lower price and huge quantity!) I bought one bag several years ago, and I've made tons of pincushions, but still have a great big tupperware full of it! I love the weight it gives to a pincushion, and it seems to keep my needle points sharp.

  18. Different stuffings, the shells keep it firm on the table or desk too.

  19. I love seeing the variety of pin cushions. Thanks for sharing so many sources too. We are doing a pin cushion challenge at our guild this fall so these will come in handy. We can never have too many pin cushions.

  20. Thanks for the tutorial. The pin cushions look great!

  21. Having unique pincushions is fun. The one I use the most was made by my mom.

  22. Love your pincushions! Thanks for the tutorial!

  23. Great vision ty for sharing.

  24. Wow, that's impressive! I have 3 pincushions because I just don't have anywhere to put others, or I would probably be in the same situation as you because there are so many amazing pin cushions out there! Thank you for sharing the tutorial, I can always use another idea for guild gifts.


  25. I have a small collection of pincushions, including one on that is on a little wooden rocker from my Mother-in-Law--would love to add to the collection! Thanks for the chance.

  26. Thanks for sharing your tips. Very helpful.

  27. I always forget to use a pin cushion. I keep the pin box next to my work and usually tap it & knock over the pins. Thanks for ideas for my small scraps & HSTs, so I can get into pin cushion creating.

  28. I had no idea how many different stuffings can be used for a pin cushion! Thankyou for the education session!

  29. Thank you for the pincushion tutorial. And for the warning about stuffing with food items. Your pincushions are all adorable. On my blog, under the header, is a round grey image to my contact form.

  30. Great sharing, thank you! I haven't made a pincushion quite like either of the ones you highlighted. I like walnut shells, too, though I usually make them a pillow of their own and stuff that inside the pincushion, just to keep any from coming out through the stitching.

  31. I love pincushions. Thank you for some great ideas and tutorials. I appreciate the links, too. I can tell that pincushions are near and dear to you, too. Many thanks for a great, thoughtful post.

  32. I bought a bag of lizard litter, but have never made the pincushions. Maybe now is the time to start! A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  33. I’ll throw my hat in! Thanks for the tutorials and links.

  34. Great collection, I love the red hat!

  35. Great tutorials. I love pincushions. So much fun to make and use.

  36. Thank you for sharing your love of pincushions and tutorial. They are a great way to use up some of the orphan blocks we have in the house. Thank you for participating in the blog hop!
