
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

More Irish Stars

I had all these leftover blocks, so DD fell in love with them.
She has 2 friends that are small and she thought we could make a few quilts.
After playing with the numbers, I need to make 2 more star blocks to make 4 quilts.
This one is tiny.
I think I might do a couple borders on it and use it MY car. 
The other three are this size and will have a border or three around them.
This is the blue one, for DD.
It just happened to be the one I could get to quickly.
I need to make 2 more green blocks. 
The purple version of the quilt.
DD arranged them the way she wanted.
I don't need these until the end of school, but want them off the design wall, so I am sewing the centers together.
I imagine I'll work on them and get them done sooner than May, but....

I just LOVE this pattern.
Head over to Wedding Dress Blues for the Quilt A Long.
I can't believe it is all from my scraps.

I'm also working on a test table runner.
I can't show it to you, but it is cute.

Tomorrow is another cold day and we don't have any appointments, so I'll be working on sewing and organizing.

I'm linking this to Let's Bee Social.
What about linking to The Inquiring Quilter too?


  1. That *is* a cool block! Very tempting to join the QAL for that one.

  2. Wow - you are way ahead of me with these. I only have little bits so far. Yours looks great.

  3. I also love this pattern. Mine is all scrappy, and far from finished. Yours are all lovely, but I really love that green one ~ green is my favorite color. Thanks so much for sharing your pictures of this set of wonderful quilts-in-waiting.

  4. What beautiful quilts! Don't you just love what we can make from just scraps? For me, the scrappier the better. Love these! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. A car quilt is a great idea, especially with this horrible cold weather we've been having lately. Beautiful quilts, all of them!

  6. So pretty! I love, love, love the color scheme - looks awesome! Thank you so much for sharing on Midweek Makers

  7. Very pretty! Thinking of starting a mini one.
