
Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Awesome Ideas

I finished my test project for TQPM (The Quilt Pattern Magazine).
I used the two colors in the color challenges to do that project.
I'd started it last year with the blue and decided to change in midstream and add red to it.
So, I can't show you the project, but thought, what if I made a door hanger for DD out of the two colors picked each month?
This one works for April.
I only need February, March, May, August, and September.
I already did one for October, November & December.

This might be a fun way to use those colors.

I also started sorting my blue bins
Light, Medium and Dark Fabrics being sorted.
Once I get a drawer empty, I'll put one of the bags of sorted fabrics back into the drawer and go from there.
It will be nice to be able to find the right value of blue.
I have 4 drawers, so it will take some time.

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