
Monday, January 30, 2017

Monday Make a List

My To Do List last week
(yes, I know I won't get it all done, but anything is better than nothing.)
1. 5 WITB 
Only got 2 of these done this week.
DONE 2. Bind Test Quilt
3. Make label for Test Quilt
Have the words, but will need to work on it next week.
DONE 4.T-shirt Quilt to top stage
5.Quilt QOV
DONE 6. Quilt Patriotic Star
7. Work on Jo's Club
I worked on Jo's Club, but did not get it finished.
DONE 8. Winter Solstice block
9. Make headphone pouch
I didn't even start this one.
I did find the pattern.
DONE 10. Quilty Fun to Top stage.
Make Test Blocks 2

My New To Do List
1. 3-4 WITB
2. Make label for Test Quilt
3. Quilt T-shirt Quilt
4. Quilt Quilty Fun
5. Quilt QOV
6. Work on Jo's Club
7. Make headphone pouch
8. Work on Animal Applique
9. Work on FROG Quilt
10. Pick out February Book It
11 Work on Valentines Postcards - need three
12 Winter Solstice Block
13. Sparkling Sampler Block
14. Work on Test blocks 6, 7, 8, 9

Check out Motivational Monday on Facebook

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