
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Book It

So, January is almost over.
How did you do?
I used my book for two quilts I had in process.
Quilty Fun I used the book to find 2 new outside borders.
I love some of the blocks, I like the outermost border.
I'm not overly thrilled with some of the blocks. 
This border was interesting to me.
I used a second UFO - crumb fabric to make it.
I should have made the inner white square smaller to have a more balanced effect, but it is OK.
I just had someone ask me if she could buy it for her brother. 

I consider January's use of the book a success.

Now, on to February.
I did not even remember having this book.
But, I have lots of orphan blocks.
The first one I want to make something from is one left from the quilt a friend quilted and we have on our bed.
I'd like to make something for the dresser or night stand out of it.

What are your successes?
This is my first time using inlinz, so I hope this works.
How you did and what book you are going to use.

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