
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Whimsical Garden Block #1

Finished the first block from Whimsical Garden.  I did block #2 first, because there were less pieces.  I found that little needles can hurt your finger.  I think I like the longer needles and need to find where I put them.  I need practice for the valleys.  I think my beak turned out OK.  Had trouble with the leaves, because I had not done applique in at least a week.  I think is a technique that you have to practice often to get right.  My bird was the roundest and it was the last thing I did.  I might add another leaf to the flower on the left.  Yes, I did try and make this go the right direction, but I can not figure out how to make that happen.  Any tricks that you know?
My Monday is not mine anymore.  Mom and Dad are sick and I need to take them to get blood work and to the doctor.  That is basically all day on and off.

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