
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stash Report

Judy has us do a stash report weekly.  I used to be good at this and now, I'm sporadic.  :(  So, here is mine for the week.

Used this Week: 6.39 yards

Used year to Date: 78.19 45.81 yards

Added this Week: 0 yards

Added Year to Date: 24 yards

Net Used for 2013: 21.81 yards

Most of those buys were for backing, so I should be happy.  But, that is not a very good average.  Guess I'd better get sewing.

This black and white and red all over quilt will use some yardage, and I have a couple more that will use some up.  One step at a time.

NOTE:  I put the wrong number on used to date.  :*(  It didn't add up.  :(  I have 78.19 yards to go to 100 yards used this year.


  1. Backing really make your used #s go up quickly. Sounds like your family had a great spring break.

  2. Still you have more going out than coming in and those backs will help with those out numbers. Not a bad week.
