
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Working on Christmas gifts

I don't know which person this is going to, but I like the way it turned out.  This was a UFO with only 5 blocks.  I used the 3 here and then below

I used the 2 extra ones and the Jo's club applique.  This was my first applique, so I'm keeping this one.  The echo quilting is the first time I've done that.  It's in our family room on the coffee table.

I have so many Christmas scraps leftover that I decided to make some simple quilt as you go table runners.  I have this one done and the second one almost ready to trim and bind.

Here is the other UFO that was a rail fence.  The problem, the amount of fabric in the bag was not enough to make it a lap quilt.  As it is, it is not all that big.  A nice car quilt.  I used scrap blue fabric for the inner border and then used the Christmas scrap bin to make piano keys that are not the same sizes.  I bound it in the blue.  Not bad for a scrap quilt.  This is for another teacher.


  1. Great projects. The "car" quilt might be good for a table quilt. Bigger than a runner but not a full tablecloth.

  2. Ruth Ann, that is a good idea. I know that they will figure out what to do with it. I hope. LOL
