
Monday, December 24, 2012

No more sewing before Christmas

I feel good this year.  I am not working on something at the last minute.  I have not had any planned projects that are not done.

I made this one for DD's band director.  she loves pink, so I had to add tht in.  In the future, I will be careful to have darker fabric hear the center.

15 minute table runner.  I have 2 of these.  The other one is red in the center.  They are quick, but I think I am going to put batting in the next one.  Flimsy without it.

Made about 20 of these embroidered towels.  Gave them away as fast as I made them, so I didn't get the photos.

What are my plans for the rest of the year?  I hope to work on this tessellation quilt and finish it soon in 2013.  I am also working on cutting out the 2.5" squares of baby clothing.  That project has been on-going for years now and I am making progress, but not quick enough.

I do hope to work on the picking up and cleaning of my studio.  This place has been hit by a bomb.  The wrapping bomb, the completing bom, the put everything in there that doesn't have a home bomb.  LOL

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

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