
Saturday, March 14, 2009

Saturday sew in

Here is a photo of Bill and the Heartstrings we gave to him. He is finally home and doing better. I just received this photo yesterday.

Today was my small group. There were 3 of there that were sewing. Ina came for a bit to visit, but had some shopping to do.

Wanda was trimming pieces to make a disappearing 9-patch. She's started it and needed to increase the size.

Lana was working on the donation quilt for the Home Owners Association where we meet. I like the way it is turning out.

Me, I was working on the borders for Glenn's love quilt and actually got it ready to be quilted. Now to sew the one seam on the backing and get the other quilt quilted. Then, I'll quilt this one.

I was also working on Bears in the Garden (formerly Butterflies in the Garden). I still need to put an off white border on it before I submit the photos.
After my group, the scouts went and played BINGO with the elderly home. It was a good time. All the girls did wonderful!

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