
Friday, March 13, 2009

Only a Quilter

We've all heard the classic line that only a quilter would take yards and yards of material, cut it into little pieces and then sew them back together again. While this statement is true and a little funny to think about, it doesn't even scratch the surface of the things that only a quilter would do.

Only a Quilter would spend more hours sewing several hundreds of buttons on a quilt to embellish it, but wouldn't take five minutes to replace a button on a pair of pants.

Only a Quilter would give the gift of a wedding quilt two months after the birth of the couple's second child.

Only a Quilter would put hundreds of dollars worth of fabric into her fabric stash because she might find a use for it sometime, but wouldn't replace a 50-cent needle on her sewing machine.

Only a Quilter would let three later-arriving patients go ahead of her at the doctor's office because she is on the verge of completing a block.

Only a Quilter would rush to finish a gift quilt. Not so it's done in time for the recipient's birthday, but so it's done in time for Show and Tell.

Only a Quilter would make a special quilt to give to her son, who would then have to attend quilt shows just to see it.

Only a Quilter would use freezer paper in the production of something to keep someone warm.

Only a Quilter has a welcome mat at the door to her home and an "Enter at Your Own Risk" sign on the door of her sewing room.

Only a Quilter invites everyone to see her sewing room, then says, "Don't look at the mess."

Only a Quilter says, "I really don't need another project," then offers to make a quilt for a friend.

Only a Quilter will buy more than she'll ever need of one fabric for her stash, but slightly less than is needed of another fabric to complete a project.

Only a Quilter would give a quilt book to the guild auction then bid on it to get it back.

Only a Quilter would drive 40 miles in a hurricane to attend a quilt show, but call out to have her dinner delivered because it is drizzling.

Only a Quilter's family would put up with, understand and love a quilter.