
Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sunday Check In

I sewed lots on Friday, but finishes aren't there. We are close on some, so hopefully next week will have more stash out the door. Remember, Judy reminds us we still have the rest of the year. Thanks for reminding us what needs to be focused on.

Fabric Added This Week -0 yards
Fabric Added Year to Date - 39.68
Fabric Used This Week - 1.71 yards
Fabric Used Year to Date - 35.46 yards
Fabric Used this Month 1.71 yards
Net year to date: - 4.22 yards added I'm still in the negative, and I really want to use 100 yards

I did these prayer squares for the church. Not complicated, but takes me time to focus and do. LOL
I do have the wedding quilt ready to quilt, the string quilt ready to quilt and the tulip quilt ready to bind. That one will put me in the usage instead of added column, so I need to focus and get these quilts quilted!!!

My problem is too many projects started. LOL It's that quilters ADD issue. I look around the room and I just have way too many things going on. If I'd finish things I'd be happier and less cluttered.

I am also trying to get my house in order. I seem to be piling things and it is getting to me. Now I have piles of things that need to go to the goodwill. That is my project next week for the house -- get all the goodwill stuff out and delivered!

It's funny that when you actually do a scrap quilt from your scraps, it does not feel or look like you used anything. LOL It seems to add air to the scrap drawers and you have trouble getting anything new in there. LOL So, maybe I need to focus and get some yardage out and make a quilt from my yardage?

Good luck to everyone else that has quilting issues (even if they are fun) and I hope you meet your goals this month.


  1. It does take time to get it all done doesn't it?? I have been so focused on moving and quilting donated tops (using backings sent too) that not much of my stash is being used especially since I don't *count* the yardage until it's in a finished quilt.

  2. What are prayer squares for?

  3. You can do it! I'm still in the negative but I will meet my goal . . I hope! :)

  4. I like to have several projects going at once, keeps me from feeling like I have my "nose to the grindstone". There is usually a quilt being quilted, a top being pieced, and one ready to hand sew the binding on. I jump from project to project as I feel like it. It doesn't seem like you get as much done, but when they are ALL finished, you've done a lot. My grandmother told me once a hobby was a "pass time"--not a job. You do it as you feel like it. And I've remembered that, and do my best to never feel guilty when a project sits or stalls.

  5. I always have many projects going at a time....what are prayer squares?
