
Friday, May 2, 2008

First Friday

My first time to the Seventh Heaven's First Friday day was wonderful. Wanda picked me up around 8 am and we went to breakfast and then arrived at the Quilt shop right when they were opening.

I had ten projects. Of course, I didn't work on the one that I really needed to get done, but I did have fun.

1. I did finish putting the borders on the heartstring quilt top. I now will need a backing and quilt it. This has been an on-going project for awhile and is one of my UFOs.

2. I finished 4 prayer squares for my church from the other strings I had. This is a completed UFO, so that is WONDERFUL!!

3. I made 40 9-patches in green and purple for the horse quilt.

4. I snowballed the horses in purple -- all 12 of them.

5. I got the binding machine sewn on the tulip quilt. When we go anywhere this weekend, I'll take it along.

What I got started.

6. I got one border on the wedding quilt and the other border cut out.

What I didn't get done

7. 40 9-patches in pink and brown for the second horse quilt.

8. Snowballing the horses in pink -- 12 of them.

9. Putting the border on the Carolina Crossroads.

10. Baby quilt for pay.

But, I'm happy with what I did get done, and I had a blast. It was well worth the time away.

DD and DH had a great evening. They went to the chiropractor together, went to Mr Gatti's for dinner and game playing and then swimming. They were watching TV when I got home.

I'm hoping May continues the way it started.

I'll post photos later when things are completed.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You did get quite a lot done. Congrats on a productive day.
